Acronym | Definition |
CPTP | Civilian Pilot Training Program |
CPTP | Comprehensive Public Training Program |
CPTP | Concrete Pavement Technology Program |
CPTP | Certified Penetration Testing Professional |
CPTP | Centre de Physiopathologie de Toulouse Purpan |
CPTP | Current Pre-Tax Profit |
CPTP | Criteria Package Technical Purposal |
CPTP | Companhia Portuguesa de Trabalhos Portuários E Construções (Portuguese: Portuguese Company of Port Works and Buildings) |
CPTP | Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow Project (cancer & lifestyle study) |
CPTP | Clínica de Piel y Transplante de Pelo |
CPTP | Chronic Postvasectomy Testicular Pain |
CPTP | Cargo Paperless Transportation Project |
CPTP | Customised Personal Training Programmes |
CPTP | Computer Program Test Plan |
CPTP | Computer Program Test Procedures |
CPTP | Commercial Product Test Program |
CPTP | Carrier Pigeon Transport Protocol :-) |
CPTP | Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy |
CPTP | Civilian Personnel Transition Plan |
CPTP | Completely Positive and Trace-Preserving |
CPTP | Conflict Prediction and Trial Planner |
CPTP | Combustion Particulate Transfer Protocol (smoke signal protocol used to refer to old technology) |