AOBAll on Board
AOBAnnals of Botany
AOBAlgemene Onderwijsbond
AOBAny Other Business
AOBAs on Board (shipping)
AOBAmerican Oriental Bioengineering (pharmaceuticals)
AOBAudio Object
AOBAudio Output Board
AOBAll on a Bitch (business motto)
AOBAce of Base (band)
AOBArchdiocese of Baltimore (Catholic Church)
AOBAssociation of Brewers
AOBAmmonia Oxidizing Bacteria
AOBAccessory Olfactory Bulb
AOBAt or Below (aviation)
AOBAdvanced Operations Base (US DoD)
AOBAssignment of Benefits
AOBAustrian Ombudsman Board (est. 1977)
AOBAlcohol On Breath
AOBAviation Operations Branch (US DoD)
AOBAir Order of Battle
AOBAnnual Operating Budget
AOBAngle Of Bank
AOBAstronomical Observatory, Belgrade
AOBAssociation Ornithologique de Belgique (French: Ornithological Association of Belgium)
AOBAnterior Open Bite (dentistry)
AOBArts Off Broadway (San Diego, CA)
AOBAdjusted Occupied Bed
AOBAppellant's Opening Brief
AOBAll Other Business
AOBAttack on Babylon
AOBAway on Business (hospitality discount program)
AOBAlliance of Baptists
AOBArt of Books (bookseller website)
AOBAngle On the Bow
AOBArray of Bytes (computer code)
AOBAndy O'Brien (Irish soccer player)
AOBApproved Operating Budget
AOBAudio of Being (Matthew Good album)
AOBArt of Business
AOBAirfield Operations Board
AOBAlternate Operating Base
AOBAirfield Operations Battalion (US Army Aviation)
AOBAmicale Ornithologique du Blavet (French ornithological association)
AOBAir Operations Branch
AOBAnalog Output Board
AOBAnalytical Operations Branch
AOBAuxiliary Order Board
AOBAngle Of Bearing
AOBAdiabatic Oxygen Bomb (calorimeter)
AOBAlignment Outlet Box(es)
AOBAlliance of Brothers (gaming guild)
AOBAsymptotic Optimal Boundary
AOBAlcohol on Board (healthcare)
AOBAuthorization of Billing (Medicare)
AOBAll Out Bombing (gang)
AOBAgenda on Board
AOBAnnouncer on Board (advertising)