Acronym | Definition |
AOC | Australian Olympic Committee |
AOC | Administrative Office of the Courts |
AOC | Age Of Conan (game) |
AOC | Archdiocese of Chicago (Chicago, IL) |
AOC | Active Optical Cable (various organizations) |
AOC | Advent of Code (programming) |
AOC | Area of Concern |
AOC | Architect of the Capitol |
AOC | All Our Children (various organizations) |
AOC | Air Operator Certificate |
AOC | Applied Organometallic Chemistry (John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.) |
AOC | Advice of Charge (Sprint) |
AOC | Alliance of Civilizations (UN) |
AOC | Association of Old Crows |
AOC | Age of Champions (gaming) |
AOC | Association of Colleges (UK) |
AOC | Ambassadors of Christ |
AOC | Administrative Order on Consent |
AOC | Art of Charm (Charismatic, Confident, Social Interaction) |
AOC | Art of Charm |
AOC | Area Of Concentration |
AOC | Air Operations Center |
AOC | Advice of Charge |
AOC | Auxiliary Output Chip |
AOC | Access Overload Class |
AOC | Adsl Overhead Control Channel |
AOC | Abundance of Caution (financial lending classification) |
AOC | Air and Space Operations Center (previously: Air Operations Center) |
AOC | Asian Organized Crime |
AOC | Army Operating Concept (US Army) |
AOC | Annual Operating Cost |
AOC | Appelation d'Origine Contrôlée (French wines) |
AOC | Air Officer Commanding (RAAF) |
AOC | AMCOM (Aviation and Missile Command) Operations Center |
AOC | Association of Oregon Counties |
AOC | Autonomy Oriented Computing |
AOC | Aircraft Operations Center |
AOC | AIDS Outreach Center (Fort Worth, TX) |
AOC | Assimilable Organic Carbon |
AOC | Area of Contamination |
AOC | Areas of Concentration |
AOC | Advanced Ovarian Cancer |
AOC | Advanced Operations Course (various organizations) |
AOC | Approximate Original Contour (topography) |
AOC | Alliance of Churches (Alliance, OH) |
AOC | Army Ordnance Corps (various armed forces) |
AOC | Articles of Confederation (US pre-Constitution government document) |
AOC | Alabama Organ Center (est. 1968) |
AOC | Apple on Campus (Apple Inc.) |
AOC | Annals of Communism (documentary series) |
AOC | Attestation of Conformity |
AOC | American Orthodox Church |
AOC | Award Of Contract |
AOC | Air Operating Certificate |
AOC | Army Operations Center |
AOC | Airline Operations Center |
AOC | Agent of Change |
AOC | Aeronautical Operational Control |
AOC | Ambler Olympic Club (Ambler, PA) |
AOC | Airline Operational Control (FAA) |
AOC | Ark of the Covenant (Bible) |
AOC | Administrator on Call |
AOC | Aerospace Operations Center |
AOC | Administrative Order of Consent |
AOC | Arabian Oil Co. (Japan) |
AOC | Area of Consideration (employment) |
AOC | Any Other Color (animal breeding/shows) |
AOC | Art of Conquest (Empire Earth game expansion) |
AOC | Aviation Officer Candidate |
AOC | Apostolic Orthodox Church |
AOC | Antiochian Orthodox Church |
AOC | African Orthodox Church |
AOC | Airport Operations Center |
AOC | Age of Conquerors (game expansion) |
AOC | Alberta Online Consortium (Alberta, Canada) |
AOC | Architectural Openings Consultant (professional certification) |
AOC | Alabama Open Carry (also seen as ALOC; pro-gun Internet community) |
AOC | Airline Operational Communication (data link) |
AOC | Air Officer Commander |
AOC | Oxygen Arc Cutting |
AOC | American Optical Company |
AOC | Airline Operation Center (air traffic) |
AOC | Chief Aviation Ordnanceman (Naval rating) |
AOC | Abnormal Operating Condition(s) |
AOC | Angels on Call (Tribulation Force Headquarters) |
AOC | Army Operations Course (Canadian) |
AOC | Arts Orange County (California) |
AOC | Anglican Orthodox Church (Statesville, NC) |
AOC | Automatic Overload Control |
AOC | Automatic Output Control (cellular phone transmitter control) |
AOC | Active Object Class |
AOC | Automated Operations Control |
AOC | ADSL Overhead Channel |
AOC | Aviation Ordnance Chief |
AOC | Albanian Orthodox Church |
AOC | Advice of Correction |
AOC | American Oilseed Coalition |
AOC | Airlift Operations Center |
AOC | Airlines Operators' Committee |
AOC | Advice of Change |
AOC | Accounting Operations Center (US NPS) |
AOC | Airlines Operations Center |
AOC | Anglaises Ont la Côte (French automobile association) |
AOC | Argument Order Change |
AOC | Analytical Operations/Data Quality Center (EPA) |
AOC | Airline Operating Center |
AOC | Active Optics Compensation |
AOC | Aerojet Ordnance Company |
AOC | Advanced Operating Capability |
AOC | Artists’ Owned Collective (Tacoma, WA gallery) |
AOC | Administrative Operations Committee |
AOC | Audio Operator Console (Crystal) |
AOC | Action Office Contact |
AOC | Ameritech Operating Company |
AOC | Action Officer Code |
AOC | Assistant Operations Controller |
AOC | Automatic Opening Capability (parachute feature) |
AOC | Agricultural Outlook Conference |
AOC | AUTODIN Operators Console |
AOC | Automobiles d'Origine et de Collection (French automobile club) |
AOC | Allied Operational Center |
AOC | Almost-Optimal Coset |
AOC | Awaiting Outgoing Continuity |
AOC | Ashland Oil Company |
AOC | Administrative Overhead Center |
AOC | Additional Operational Capability |