AOCCAutodesk Official Certification Courseware
AOCCAsian Organization for Crohn’s and Colitis
AOCCAccidentally Oil Contaminated
AOCCAmerican Orthodox Catholic Church
AOCCAlumni of Color Conference (Harvard Graduate School of Education)
AOCCAssociation of Cairngorms Communities (UK)
AOCCAnalysis of Change Cell (US Army)
AOCCAirport Operations Control Centre
AOCCAir Operations Control Center
AOCCAir Operations Coordination Center
AOCCAir Operations Co-ordination Centre
AOCCAtlantic Operations Control Center (US FAA)
AOCCAssociation of O&C (Oregon and California Railroad Revested Lands) Counties (Oregon)
AOCCAlternate Operations Command Center
AOCCAMD (Advanced Micro Devices) Optimizing C/C++ Compiler (computer programming)