Acronym | Definition |
EGM | Electronic Gaming Machine |
EGM | Extraordinary General Meeting |
EGM | Expert Group Meeting |
EGM | Electronic Gaming Monthly |
EGM | Escadron de Gendarmerie Mobile (French: Mobile Police Squadron) |
EGM | Estudio General de Medios (Spanish: General Means Study) |
EGM | Electronic Gaming Monthly Magazine |
EGM | Extended Graphics Memory |
EGM | Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba (Manitoba, Canada) |
EGM | Emergency General Meeting |
EGM | Everett Gospel Mission (Everett, WA) |
EGM | Électricité Générale du Midi (French: General Power of the South) |
EGM | Executive General Manager |
EGM | École de Guitare de Madagascar (French: School of Guitar in Madagascar) |
EGM | Executive Gaming Monthly |
EGM | Earth Gravity Model |
EGM | Edvard Grieg Museum (Troldhaugen, Norway) |
EGM | Estonian Green Movement (est. 1988) |
EGM | Ensemble de Guitares de Marly (French: Ensemble of Guitars of Marly) |
EGM | Electronic Gas-Measurement (equipment) |
EGM | European Gypsy Moth |
EGM | États Généraux du Multilinguisme (French: General Estates of Overseas Multilingualism) |
EGM | Euro GeoGrafiche Mencattini (Italian tourism publisher) |
EGM | Emniyet Genel Mudurlugu |
EGM | Earth Geopotential Model |
EGM | Emerging Growth Markets |
EGM | Every Generation Ministries |
EGM | Environmental Gas Monitor |
EGM | Enhancing Grants Management (US FEMA) |
EGM | Eric's Game Music (website) |
EGM | Enforcement Guidance Memoranda |
EGM | Electro-Gravi-Magnetics |
EGM | Edmonds, Gallagher, McLaughlin |
EGM | Export General Manifests |
EGM | Electric Group Manager |
EGM | Electrostatics of Granular Material (Space Station experiment) |
EGM | East Germanic (linguistics) |
EGM | Extended Gauge Model |
EGM | Extragenomic Marker |
EGM | Entreprise de Goudronnage et Maçonnerie (French: Tarring and Masonry Company) |