Acronym | Definition |
DMG | Damage |
DMG | Disk Image |
DMG | Dimethylglycine |
DMG | Dill Mill Gayye (Indian TV show) |
DMG | Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft (German mineralogical society) |
DMG | Deckel Maho Gildemeister (German manufacturer) |
DMG | Dossier Médical Global (French: Global Medical File; Belgium) |
DMG | Département de Médecine Générale (French: General Practice Department) |
DMG | Digital Marketing Group (various locations) |
DMG | Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft (German: German Oriental Society) |
DMG | Dungeon Master's Guide |
DMG | Digital Media Gateway |
DMG | Daimler Motoren Gessellschaft |
DMG | Dmap Gateway |
DMG | Dot Matrix Gameboy |
DMG | Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft (Daimler Motor Company) |
DMG | Demon Music Group (record company; UK) |
DMG | Daytona Motorsports Group |
DMG | Directional Multi-Gigabit (IEEE standards) |
DMG | Division of Mines and Geology (California) |
DMG | Dimethylglyoxime (CAS #95-45-4) |
DMG | Department of Mines and Geology (Nepal) |
DMG | Dark Magician Girl (Yu-Gi-Oh! card) |
DMG | Distance Made Good |
DMG | Dark Matter Gun (gaming, Quake 4) |
DMG | Distinguished Military Graduate |
DMG | Dépannage Matériel Graphique (French paper pricessing equipment repair company) |
DMG | Digital Map Generator |
DMG | Dot Matrix Game (Game Boy) |
DMG | Direct Marketing Gestion (French marketing company) |
DMG | Decision Maker's Guide |
DMG | Dimethyl Glutarate |
DMG | Combined Dose and Geometry Correction (lithography) |
DMG | Data Management Group, Inc. |
DMG | Diversity-Multiplexing Gain |
DMG | Diesel Media Group |
DMG | Direct Mode Gateway |
DMG | Dar Mustafa Group, LLC (Jordan; marketing) |
DMG | Didactique et Média pour Notre Génération (Morocco) |
DMG | Donald, Mickey and Goofy |
DMG | Deutschen Meteorologischen Gesellschaft eV (German Meteorological Society) |