Acronym | Definition |
DMH | Department of Mental Health (US) |
DMH | Decatur Memorial Hospital (Illinois) |
DMH | Digital Marketing Handbook |
DMH | Device Message Handler |
DMH | Disaster Mental Health (FEMA) |
DMH | Domestic Medium Hair (cat breed) |
DMH | Dark Matter Halo |
DMH | De Montfort Hall (UK) |
DMH | Dual Mode Handset |
DMH | Data Message Handler |
DMH | Diffusion de Matériel Hydraulique (French hydraulic equipment company) |
DMH | Display Message Helps |
DMH | Direction Marty Holding (French holding company) |
DMH | Downtown Manhattan Heliport (Manhattan, NY) |
DMH | Doctor of Marine Histories (degree) |
DMH | Didier Maintenance Hydraulique (French hydraulic maintenance company) |
DMH | Danish Ministry of Health |
DMH | Delahaye Multiservices Habitat (France) |
DMH | Dynamic Multi Hybrid |
DMH | Drainage Manhole |
DMH | Dystonia Musculorum of Mouse, Human Homolog Of |
DMH | Dumont Masonic Home (New York) |
DMH | Delay Measurement Hardware |