ARIAAccessible Rich Internet Applications
ARIAAriad Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (stock symbol)
ARIAAccessibility/Remoteness Index of Australia
ARIAAustralian Record Industry Association
ARIAAmerican Risk and Insurance Association (Malvern, PA)
ARIAAllergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma
ARIAAssociation of Rhode Island Authors (writing group)
ARIAAmerican Riding Instructors Association
ARIAAdvanced Range Instrumentation Aircraft
ARIAArizona Regional Image Archive
ARIAAmyloid Related Imaging Abnormality
ARIAAlberta Recording Industries Association (Canada)
ARIAAssessing Regional Integration in Africa
ARIAAmbiguous Restraints for Iterative Assignment
ARIAAssociation Régionale de l'Industrie Automobile
ARIAAstellas Research Institute of America (Deerfield, IL)
ARIAActivMedia Robotics Interface for Applications (ActivMedia Robotics, LLC)
ARIAAssociation for Research in International Adoption
ARIAArtistic Resources In Action
ARIAAllergy Rheumatology Immunology and Asthma
ARIAAcetlycholine Receptor Inducing Activity
ARIAAwareness of Rape and Incest through Art, Inc. (New York, NY, USA)
ARIAAssociazione Realizzatori Italiani di Aerostatii
ARIAAssociation de Robotique Industrielle Athena (French: Association of Industrial Robotics Athena; Belgium)