Acronym | Definition |
AAMS | Association of Air Medical Services (formerly American Society of Hospital-Based Emergency Air Medical Services) |
AAMS | Accredited Asset Management Specialist (College for Financial Planning) |
AAMS | Auto Audio Mastering System (software; Sined Supplies, Inc.) |
AAMS | Annals, Academy of Medicine, Singapore |
AAMS | Amministrazione Autonoma Monopoli di Stato (Italian) |
AAMS | American Air Mail Society |
AAMS | Automated Acquisition Management System |
AAMS | Agency Asset Management System |
AAMS | American Accordion Musicological Society |
AAMS | Air-To-Air Missile System |
AAMS | Association des Amis du Musée Safran (French: Association of Friends of the Safran Museum) |
AAMS | Aggregate Area Management Study |
AAMS | Area Airspace Management System (US FAA) |
AAMS | Associate of the Association of Medical Secretaries (UK) |
AAMS | Army Acquisition Management System |
AAMS | Air-to-Air Missile Seeker |
AAMS | Advanced AFSATCOM Monitoring Subsystem |
AAMS | Army Aircraft Maintenance Shop |
AAMS | Advanced Automatic Monitoring System |
AAMS | Automated Aircrew Management System |
AAMS | Abigail Adams Middle School (Weymouth, MA) |
AAMS | American Asset Management Services Corp. (Skokie, IL) |