DIPDual Inline Package
DIPDay in Pictures
DIPDebtor In Possession
DIPDepartment of Infrastructure and Planning (Queensland, Australia)
DIPDépartement de l'Instruction Publique (French: Department of Public Instruction; Switzerland)
DIPDigital Image Processing
DIPDepartment of Industrial Promotion (Thailand)
DIPDebt Issuance Programme (various locations)
DIPDistal Interphalangeal (medical)
DIPDuctile Iron Pipe
DIPDirect Ip
DIPDynamic Ip
DIPDisplay Interface Processing
DIPDestination Ip
DIPDialup Ip Protocol
DIPDial Internet Provider
DIPData Information and Process
DIPDelivery Interest Point
DIPDisplay Input Processor
DIPData Interchange Program
DIPDatabase of Interacting Proteins
DIPData Integration Project (various organizations)
DIPDirectory Integration Platform (Oracle)
DIPDependency Inversion Principle
DIPDocument Image Processing
DIPDocument d'Information Précontractuelle (French: Pre-Contractual information Document)
DIPDesquamative Interstitial Pneumonia
DIPDrunk in Public
DIPDissemination Information Package
DIPDetailed Implementation Plan
DIPDisability Income Plan (various locations)
DIPDriver Improvement Program
DIPDissolved Inorganic Phosphorus
DIPData, Information, and Process Integration with Semantic Web Services
DIPDay Intensive Program (New York, NY)
DIPDeletion/Insertion Polymorphism
DIPDegradable Intake Protein (animal science)
DIPDifference In Pay
DIPDrugs Intervention Programme (UK)
DIPDefence Industrial Policy (UK)
DIPDiagnostic Imaging Program (biomedicine)
DIPDie in Place (slang for order to hold ground even if attacked by overwhelming force)
DIPDividend Investment Plan
DIPDirección de Incidencia Pública (Spanish: Department of Public Advocacy; Guatemala)
DIPDolphin Interaction Program (various organizations)
DIPDigital Inclusion Project
DIPDual Inline Pin
DIPDucrocq Ingénierie Process (French: Ducrocq Engineering Process)
DIPDistal Interphalangeal Predominant (arthritis)
DIPDiscover Intensive Phonics
DIPDominant Interferer Proportion
DIPDistributed Immersive Performance (musical collaboration)
DIPDIACAP Implementation Plan
DIPDirector, International Programs
DIPDéveloppement Informatique Progiciels (French: Software Development Package)
DIPDubai Investments Park Development Company (also seen as DIPDC; Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
DIPDéménagements Industriels et Privés (French: Industrial and Private Removals)
DIPDevelopment in Process
DIPDial-up Internet Protocol
DIPDigital Intellectual Property
DIPDepartamento de Información Pública de las Naciones Unidas (Spanish)
DIPDiari personal interactiu (Catalan Interactive personal newspaper)
DIPDiagonal Interleaved Parity
DIPDisplay Information Processor
DIPDefense Imagery Program
DIPDedicated Inside Plant (telecommunications)
DIPDecision in Principal
DIPDirect Industrial Participation (offset term for industrial cooperation linked to the defence industry)
DIPDesign Internal Pressure
DIPDestination Internet Protocol
DIPDual In-Line Packet (switch)
DIPData Integrity Program
DIPDefense Intelligence Plan
DIPDrive Image Professional
DIPData Interface Processor
DIPDoily In Progress
DIPDivisión de Investigación Policial
DIPDigital Instrumentation Programmer
DIPDrivers Instrument Panel
DIPDrive Impedance Phase
DIPDisease Ignorance Poverty
DIPDealer Incentive Package
DIPDirect Indictment Program
DIPDeutsches Institut für angewandte Pflegeforschung eV (German Institute for Applied Nursing Research)
DIPDistrict Incident Plot