AAPAAmerican Academy of Physician Assistants
AAPAAmerican Association of Port Authorities
AAPAAmerican Association of Physical Anthropologists
AAPAAmerican Association of Public Accountants (now American Institute of Certified Public Accountants)
AAPAAsian American Psychological Association
AAPAAmerican Association of Pathologists' Assistants
AAPAAustralian Asphalt Pavement Association (est. 1969; Australia)
AAPAAmerican Art Pottery Association
AAPAAboriginal Areas Protection Authority (statutory authority, Northern Territory of Australia, for Aboriginal sacred site)
AAPAAmerican Amateur Press Association
AAPAAssociation of Authorised Public Accountants (UK)
AAPAAmerican Association of Professional Apiculturists (Falcon Heights, MN)
AAPAAmerican Association of Psychiatric Administrators
AAPAAssociate, Annuity Products and Administration (Life Office Management Association designation)
AAPAAssociation of Asian Pacific Airlines
AAPAAcetoacet-P-Anisidide (pigment)
AAPAAll African Pool Association
AAPAAlert Aircraft Parking Area
AAPAArizona Aquifer Protection Association
AAPAAnnals of the American Psychotherapy Association
AAPAApplicant's Admitted Prior Art (patents)