Acronym | Definition |
COAP | Contributory Old Age Pension (Ireland) |
COAP | Compromise of Arrears Program |
COAP | Clinical Outcomes Assessment Program |
COAP | Commercial Appraisal of Opportunities (University of Warwick; UK) |
COAP | Constrained Application Protocol |
COAP | Court Order Acceptable for Processing |
COAP | Center for Ocean Analysis and Prediction |
COAP | Certified Open Adoption Practitioner |
COAP | College of American Pathologists |
COAP | Course of Action Planner |
COAP | Compensation Officer Apprenticeship Program |
COAP | Certified Office Automation Professional |
COAP | Colorado Organic Agroecology Program |
COAP | Colorado Organization on Adolescent Pregnancy Parenting and Prevention |
COAP | Control Over All Purchases |