Acronym | Definition |
COS | Cost Of Sales |
COS | Class Of Service |
COS | Collection of Style (fashion line) |
COS | Colorado Springs (Amtrak station code; Colorado Springs, CO) |
COS | Chief of Staff |
COS | Chamber of Secrets (book by J.K. Rowling) |
COS | Commercial off the Shelf |
COS | Cosine (mathematics) |
COS | Conditions of Success |
COS | Conditions of Satisfaction |
COS | Church of Scientology |
COS | Council of Students (various organizations) |
COS | Consul (in ancient Rome) |
COS | College of Security (Star Trek gaming) |
COS | Children of Sin (song) |
COS | Convention of States (Houston, TX) |
COS | Charity Organization Society |
COS | Cosinus |
COS | Cosmetology |
COS | Change Of Status |
COS | Comite des Oeuvres Sociales (French: Committee of Social Works) |
COS | Chance of Success (Oil and Gas) |
COS | College of the Siskiyous (California) |
COS | Chicks on Speed (band) |
COS | Change of State |
COS | Certificate of Sponsorship (UK) |
COS | Committee on Sustainability (various locations) |
COS | Controller of Stores (Indian railways) |
COS | Certificate of Status (various locations) |
COS | City of Saskatoon (Canada) |
COS | Circle of Swords (gaming guild) |
COS | Collège Ostéopathique Sutherland (French osteopathic college) |
COS | Change Of Subject |
COS | Contingency Operating Site (Iraq) |
COS | Carnival of Space (blogging) |
COS | Coefficient d'Occupation des Sols (French: Coefficient of Land Use) |
COS | Conditions of Service |
COS | Continued Operational Safety (aviation) |
COS | Church Of Satan |
COS | Credit Ombudsman Service (dispute resolution; Australia) |
COS | Crypto Operating System |
COS | Cosine |
COS | Configuration Object Set |
COS | Corba Object Services |
COS | Communications System |
COS | Control System |
COS | Common Object Services |
COS | Central Offices |
COS | Common Operations Services |
COS | Cassette Operating System |
COS | Custom Operating System |
COS | Corporation of Open Systems |
COS | Commercial Operating System |
COS | Clip on Socket |
COS | Church of Scotland |
COS | Conservation Officer Service (Canada) |
COS | Cosmic Origins Spectrograph |
COS | Cost of Service |
COS | Cooperation for Open Systems (Internet) |
COS | Centre d'Orientation Scolaire (French: School Counseling Center) |
COS | Commandement des Opérations Spéciales (French: Special Operations Command) |
COS | Conspiracy of Silence (gaming clan) |
COS | Certificate Of Service |
COS | Carbonyl Sulphide |
COS | Cone of Silence (Get Smart; 1960s TV series) |
COS | Code of Silence |
COS | Canadian Ophthalmological Society |
COS | Center for Operations Support |
COS | Corporation for Open Systems |
COS | Certificate of Suitability (European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines Agency; Council of Europe; France) |
COS | Continuity of Service |
COS | Change Of Station |
COS | Card Operating System |
COS | Corps Support |
COS | Chief of Station (CIA) |
COS | Compulsory Open Space (construction regulation; various locations) |
COS | Chip Operating System |
COS | Compatible Operating System |
COS | Console Operating System (NASA) |
COS | Chimie Organique de Synthèse (French: Synthetic Organic Chemistry) |
COS | Close of Service (Peace Corps) |
COS | Chief of General Staff (Israel) |
COS | Common Operating System |
COS | Center for Okinawan Studies (University of Hawaii at Manoa) |
COS | Certified Occupancy Specialist (housing industry) |
COS | Community Outreach Service (various locations) |
COS | Critical Occupational Specialty (US DoD) |
COS | Chicago Ornithological Society (Chicago, IL) |
COS | Cloak of Shadows (World of Warcraft, gaming) |
COS | Centre for Oxfordshire Studies (UK) |
COS | Cray Operating System |
COS | Club Olympique de Sartrouville (French martial arts club) |
COS | Combinatorial Object Server |
COS | Colectivo de Organizaciones Sociales (Spanish, Guatemala) |
COS | Client Operating System |
COS | Career Opportunity System |
COS | Connection-Oriented Service |
COS | Categories of Service (Medicaid) |
COS | Continuity of Supply |
COS | Culling of Stratholme (World of Warcraft; gaming) |
COS | Caress of Steel (Rush album) |
COS | Church Of the Savior |
COS | Communications Segment |
COS | Contrat d'Objectifs Scolaires (French: Educational Objectives Contract) |
COS | Columbia Online Style |
COS | China Oilfield Services Ltd |
COS | Chip on Submount |
COS | Cast-On Strap (battery manufacturing) |
COS | Carrier Operated Squelch (two-way radio) |
COS | Central Operating System (X-Files) |
COS | Common Object Service |
COS | CORBA Service |
COS | Change Over Switch |
COS | Combat Operations Squadron |
COS | City of Sails (Barbershop Chorus, Auckland, New Zealand) |
COS | Chief of Safety |
COS | Conservative Opportunity Society |
COS | Chief of Supply |
COS | Client Online Services (various businesses) |
COS | Cohesive End Site (bacteriophages) |
COS | Cadet Officer School |
COS | Cash On Shipment |
COS | Canadian Oncology Society |
COS | Committee on Specifications (AISI) |
COS | Coronary Obstructive Syndrome |
COS | Complete Orthonormal System |
COS | Colorado Springs, CO, USA - Colorado Springs Municipal (Airport Code) |
COS | Customer of Size (overweight passenger requiring two economy-class airline seats) |
COS | Code Operated Switch |
COS | Capital Outlay Support |
COS | Come On Spring |
COS | Company Orderly Sergeant |
COS | Cult of Slaanesh (gaming, Warhammer) |
COS | Corona Oxide Semiconductor |
COS | Check on-Site |
COS | Chiefs of Service (hospitals) |
COS | Campus Outreach Services (St. Davids, PA) |
COS | Chamber Orchestra of the Springs (Colorado Springs, CO) |
COS | Condition of Supply (aerospace) |
COS | Canadian Organic Standard |
COS | Cell Output Switch |
COS | Carry-On Oxygen System (NASA) |
COS | Coalition for Orchid Species |
COS | Current Operations Section |
COS | Caked on Stripes (podcast) |
COS | Civilian Occupational Specialty |
COS | Casualty of Sound (Maniacal Plan music CD) |
COS | Computer On Silicon |
COS | Customer Order System |
COS | Call Originate Status |
COS | Co-Orbiting Satellite (NASA) |
COS | Convergent Operating System (Mariposa Technology) |
COS | Chosen of Solclaim (gaming clan) |
COS | Critical Operational Specialties |
COS | Chemical Operation Specialist |
COS | Change of Subscriber |
COS | Care Outreach Specialist (social work) |
COS | Citizens for Open Space (various locations) |
COS | Conference and Office Services |
COS | Component Oversight |
COS | CO2 Removal Service |
COS | Center For Obesity Surgery |
COS | Customer's Own Stock (FedEx Kinko's) |
COS | Client Operating Server |
COS | Community and Organizational Services |