Acronym | Definition |
COP | Constable On Patrol |
COP | Copyright |
COP | Conference of the Parties (UNFCCC) |
COP | Conference of Parties |
COP | Colombian Peso (ISO currency code) |
COP | Community of Practice |
COP | Copy |
COP | Copper |
COP | Chief Of Police |
COP | College of Pharmacy (Xavier University of Louisiana) |
COP | Coefficient of Performance |
COP | Code of Practice |
COP | Common Operational Picture |
COP | Coil on Plug (automotive ignition) |
COP | Court of Protection (UK) |
COP | Cost of Production (agriculture) |
COP | Citizens On Patrol |
COP | Center of Population |
COP | ConocoPhillips (stock symbol) |
COP | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (also seen as COPA) |
COP | Crime of Passion (band; California) |
COP | Chief of Party (various locations) |
COP | Canada Olympic Park |
COP | Congressional Oversight Panel (US Senate) |
COP | Common Operating Picture |
COP | Communication on Progress (public disclosure report) |
COP | Council of Presidents |
COP | Combat Outpost |
COP | Carousel of Progress (Disney attraction) |
COP | Conferencia de las Partes (French) |
COP | Community Oriented Policing |
COP | Conditions of Participation (health care) |
COP | Call of Pripyat (game) |
COP | Center of Pressure |
COP | Centre for Orangutan Protection (Indonesia) |
COP | Cash on Pickup |
COP | Continuous Power (energy) |
COP | Continuation Of Pay |
COP | Custom of Port (shipping) |
COP | Criminals of Permission |
COP | Committee on Publications (various organizations) |
COP | City of Pflugerville (Texas) |
COP | Committee on Personnel |
COP | Center of Pedagogy (various schools) |
COP | Channel Operator |
COP | Control Protocol |
COP | Communication Protocol |
COP | Connection Oriented Protocol |
COP | Component Overheat Protection |
COP | Computer Operating Properly |
COP | Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia (Philadelphia, PA) |
COP | Clinical Oncology Program (various locations) |
COP | College of Preachers |
COP | Chains of Promathia (gaming) |
COP | Classroom Observation Protocol |
COP | Community Outreach Program |
COP | Co-Processor |
COP | Creative Office Pavilion (furniture sales; northeast US) |
COP | Certificate of Participation |
COP | Coastal Ocean Program |
COP | Certified Outsourcing Professional (International Association of Outsourcing Professionals) |
COP | Cost of Power |
COP | Conference of Presidents |
COP | Code of Procedure |
COP | Copulative |
COP | Change Of Plan |
COP | Code of Points (aka International Skating Union Judging System and New Judging System) |
COP | Change of Plea (court term) |
COP | Collège Ostéopathique de Provence (French: Osteopathic College of Provence; Provence, France) |
COP | Controller of Premises (UK) |
COP | Country Operational Plan |
COP | Cisco Options Package (software) |
COP | Cryptogenic Organizing Pneumonia (aka bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia) |
COP | City of Pasadena (California) |
COP | Circle of Protection (Magic; The Gathering) |
COP | Circle of Protection |
COP | Colloid Osmotic Pressure |
COP | Citizen Observer Program (various locations) |
COP | College of the Pacific (University of the Pacific; Stockton, CA) |
COP | Court Ordered Placement (various locations) |
COP | Close of Play |
COP | Continuity of Operations Plan |
COP | Cost of Product |
COP | Center on Philanthropy |
COP | Club Olympique de Pontlieue (French: Pontlieue Olympic Club; Pontlieue, France) |
COP | Consumer Outreach Program (various locations) |
COP | Concept of Operation |
COP | Glendale Civilian Observation Patrol (New York, NY) |
COP | College Opportunity Program (various organizations) |
COP | Clean Out of Place |
COP | Cockpit Overhead Panel (aviation) |
COP | Committee of Principals |
COP | Collective of Popular Organizations (Dominican Republic) |
COP | CPU Overheating Protection |
COP | Car Operating Panel (elevators) |
COP | Close Out Package |
COP | Calgary Olympic Park |
COP | Current Ops (US DoD) |
COP | Class of Property |
COP | Conseiller d'Orientation-Psychologique (French: Psychological Career Counselor) |
COP | Character Oriented Protocol |
COP | Cessation of Production (oil) |
COP | Constrained Optimization Problem |
COP | Côte d'Opale Poker (French: Opal Coast Poker) |
COP | Changeover Point |
COP | Constraint Optimization Problem |
COP | Community of Property (South Africa) |
COP | Contaminante Orgánico Persistente (persistent organic pollutant) |
COP | Committee on Ocean Policy |
COP | Citizen Observer Patrol (Florida) |
COP | Customer Oriented Process (ISO 9001:2000 procedures) |
COP | Common On-Chip Processor |
COP | Corporation of the President |
COP | Crystal Originated Particles |
COP | Central Oregon & Pacific (railroad) |
COP | Command Observation Post |
COP | Construccion Operacion Propiedad (Spanish: Construction Operation Property; project financing) |
COP | Command Operation Procedure |
COP | Community Ownership Programme (UK) |
COP | Current Operating Plan |
COP | Country of Payment (airlines) |
COP | Carry Over Parts (automotive) |
COP | Cut Off Post |
COP | Cholesterol Oxidation Product |
COP | Colegio de Odontólogos del Perú |
COP | Cash Operating Profit |
COP | Col·lectiu Olla a Pressió (Catalan countries) |
COP | Crossover Probability |
COP | Cargo oil pump (tanker) |
COP | Contingency Operations Plan |
COP | Conformity of Product |
COP | Colegio de Obstetrices del Perú |
COP | Co-Orbiting Platform |
COP | Certification of Process |
COP | Coalition for Outsourcing and Privatization |
COP | Contingency Operations Procedure |
COP | Configuration Overhaul Planning |
COP | Computer Optimization Package |
COP | Cutaneous Oncology Program |
COP | Command Operating Program |
COP | Commitment, Obligation and Procurement |
COP | Confederation of Publications (Ateneo de Manila University; Philippines) |
COP | Contractor Owned Property |
COP | Commitment and Obligation Plan |
COP | Current Operations Picture |
COP | Cost Only Payment |
COP | Communication Output Printer |
COP | Communication Order Process |
COP | Company Of the Paraclete |
COP | Computer Operations Parameters |
COP | Component Obsolescence Program |
COP | Columbus Outdoors Pursuits |
COP | Coastal and Offshore Permafrost |
COP | Close Observation Patrol |
COP | Contactable Off Premises |
COP | Combined Operations Planning |
COP | Consistent Operating Picture |
COP | Creating Opportunities Program (Sprint) |
COP | Cool on Purpose (music blog) |
COP | Coast-Out Point |
COP | Common Outage Probability |
COP | Care-of Prefix |