COPConstable On Patrol
COPConference of the Parties (UNFCCC)
COPConference of Parties
COPColombian Peso (ISO currency code)
COPCommunity of Practice
COPChief Of Police
COPCollege of Pharmacy (Xavier University of Louisiana)
COPCoefficient of Performance
COPCode of Practice
COPCommon Operational Picture
COPCoil on Plug (automotive ignition)
COPCourt of Protection (UK)
COPCost of Production (agriculture)
COPCitizens On Patrol
COPCenter of Population
COPConocoPhillips (stock symbol)
COPCommonwealth of Pennsylvania (also seen as COPA)
COPCrime of Passion (band; California)
COPChief of Party (various locations)
COPCanada Olympic Park
COPCongressional Oversight Panel (US Senate)
COPCommon Operating Picture
COPCommunication on Progress (public disclosure report)
COPCouncil of Presidents
COPCombat Outpost
COPCarousel of Progress (Disney attraction)
COPConferencia de las Partes (French)
COPCommunity Oriented Policing
COPConditions of Participation (health care)
COPCall of Pripyat (game)
COPCenter of Pressure
COPCentre for Orangutan Protection (Indonesia)
COPCash on Pickup
COPContinuous Power (energy)
COPContinuation Of Pay
COPCustom of Port (shipping)
COPCriminals of Permission
COPCommittee on Publications (various organizations)
COPCity of Pflugerville (Texas)
COPCommittee on Personnel
COPCenter of Pedagogy (various schools)
COPChannel Operator
COPControl Protocol
COPCommunication Protocol
COPConnection Oriented Protocol
COPComponent Overheat Protection
COPComputer Operating Properly
COPChamber Orchestra of Philadelphia (Philadelphia, PA)
COPClinical Oncology Program (various locations)
COPCollege of Preachers
COPChains of Promathia (gaming)
COPClassroom Observation Protocol
COPCommunity Outreach Program
COPCreative Office Pavilion (furniture sales; northeast US)
COPCertificate of Participation
COPCoastal Ocean Program
COPCertified Outsourcing Professional (International Association of Outsourcing Professionals)
COPCost of Power
COPConference of Presidents
COPCode of Procedure
COPChange Of Plan
COPCode of Points (aka International Skating Union Judging System and New Judging System)
COPChange of Plea (court term)
COPCollège Ostéopathique de Provence (French: Osteopathic College of Provence; Provence, France)
COPController of Premises (UK)
COPCountry Operational Plan
COPCisco Options Package (software)
COPCryptogenic Organizing Pneumonia (aka bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia)
COPCity of Pasadena (California)
COPCircle of Protection (Magic; The Gathering)
COPCircle of Protection
COPColloid Osmotic Pressure
COPCitizen Observer Program (various locations)
COPCollege of the Pacific (University of the Pacific; Stockton, CA)
COPCourt Ordered Placement (various locations)
COPClose of Play
COPContinuity of Operations Plan
COPCost of Product
COPCenter on Philanthropy
COPClub Olympique de Pontlieue (French: Pontlieue Olympic Club; Pontlieue, France)
COPConsumer Outreach Program (various locations)
COPConcept of Operation
COPGlendale Civilian Observation Patrol (New York, NY)
COPCollege Opportunity Program (various organizations)
COPClean Out of Place
COPCockpit Overhead Panel (aviation)
COPCommittee of Principals
COPCollective of Popular Organizations (Dominican Republic)
COPCPU Overheating Protection
COPCar Operating Panel (elevators)
COPClose Out Package
COPCalgary Olympic Park
COPCurrent Ops (US DoD)
COPClass of Property
COPConseiller d'Orientation-Psychologique (French: Psychological Career Counselor)
COPCharacter Oriented Protocol
COPCessation of Production (oil)
COPConstrained Optimization Problem
COPCôte d'Opale Poker (French: Opal Coast Poker)
COPChangeover Point
COPConstraint Optimization Problem
COPCommunity of Property (South Africa)
COPContaminante Orgánico Persistente (persistent organic pollutant)
COPCommittee on Ocean Policy
COPCitizen Observer Patrol (Florida)
COPCustomer Oriented Process (ISO 9001:2000 procedures)
COPCommon On-Chip Processor
COPCorporation of the President
COPCrystal Originated Particles
COPCentral Oregon & Pacific (railroad)
COPCommand Observation Post
COPConstruccion Operacion Propiedad (Spanish: Construction Operation Property; project financing)
COPCommand Operation Procedure
COPCommunity Ownership Programme (UK)
COPCurrent Operating Plan
COPCountry of Payment (airlines)
COPCarry Over Parts (automotive)
COPCut Off Post
COPCholesterol Oxidation Product
COPColegio de Odontólogos del Perú
COPCash Operating Profit
COPCol·lectiu Olla a Pressió (Catalan countries)
COPCrossover Probability
COPCargo oil pump (tanker)
COPContingency Operations Plan
COPConformity of Product
COPColegio de Obstetrices del Perú
COPCo-Orbiting Platform
COPCertification of Process
COPCoalition for Outsourcing and Privatization
COPContingency Operations Procedure
COPConfiguration Overhaul Planning
COPComputer Optimization Package
COPCutaneous Oncology Program
COPCommand Operating Program
COPCommitment, Obligation and Procurement
COPConfederation of Publications (Ateneo de Manila University; Philippines)
COPContractor Owned Property
COPCommitment and Obligation Plan
COPCurrent Operations Picture
COPCost Only Payment
COPCommunication Output Printer
COPCommunication Order Process
COPCompany Of the Paraclete
COPComputer Operations Parameters
COPComponent Obsolescence Program
COPColumbus Outdoors Pursuits
COPCoastal and Offshore Permafrost
COPClose Observation Patrol
COPContactable Off Premises
COPCombined Operations Planning
COPConsistent Operating Picture
COPCreating Opportunities Program (Sprint)
COPCool on Purpose (music blog)
COPCoast-Out Point
COPCommon Outage Probability
COPCare-of Prefix