Acronym | Definition |
DNB | Drum N Bass (music) |
DNB | Diplôme National du Brevet (French: National Patent Certificate) |
DNB | Draw No Bet (gambling) |
DNB | Dun & Bradstreet (stock symbol) |
DNB | De Nederlandsche Bank |
DNB | Dictionary of National Biography |
DNB | Do Not Bother |
DNB | Dinitrobenzene |
DNB | Diplomate National Board (India) |
DNB | Do Nothing Bitch |
DNB | Do Nothing Bitch (Ronda Rousey) |
DNB | Dedicated Network Bus |
DNB | Downtown New Bedford (New Bedford, MA) |
DNB | Den Norske Bank |
DNB | Daily News Bulletin (various organizations) |
DNB | Departure from Nucleate Boiling |
DNB | Deutsche Nationalbibliografie (German National Bibliography) |
DNB | David Nelson Band |
DNB | Dance Notation Bureau |
DNB | Dave & Busters |
DNB | Did Not Bat (cricket) |
DNB | Died, Non-Battle (US WWII) |
DNB | Dallas National Bank (Texas) |
DNB | Dust N' Bones (Guns N' Roses song) |
DNB | Did Not Bowl |
DNB | Division of Neuroscience and Behavior (US NIAAA) |
DNB | Diplomate of the National Board of Medical Examiners |