Acronym | Definition |
CSVA | Composite to S Video Adaptor |
CSVA | Canadian Society of Value Analysis |
CSVA | Collegiate Sports Video Association |
CSVA | Confederate States Vexillological Association |
CSVA | Cyber Security Vulnerability Analysis |
CSVA | CON-SPACE Voice Amplifier |
CSVA | Category-Specific Visual Agnosia |
CSVA | Centre for the Study of the Viking Age (University of Nottingham, UK) |
CSVA | Colorado Senior Volleyball Association |
CSVA | Ceramic Studio of Virginia (dental laboratory) |
CSVA | Centre for the Study of Violence and Abuse |
CSVA | Columbus Symphony Volunteer Association (Columbus, GA) |
CSVA | College Sports Video Association |
CSVA | Corrosion Services of Virginia, Inc. |
CSVA | Consecutive Subtraction of Velocity Anomalies |