DELTAInternational Workshop on Electronic Design, Test, and Applications (IEEE)
DELTADiploma in English Language Teaching to Adults (University of Cambridge, UK)
DELTADistance Education and Learning Technology Applications (various organizations)
DELTADocumentação de Estudos em Lingüística Teórica e Aplicada
DELTADanish Electronics, Light & Acoustics (Danish test lab)
DELTADescription Language for Taxonomy
DELTADeaf Education Through Listening and Talking (UK)
DELTADefense Loan and Technical Assistance
DELTADevelopment of European Learning Through Technological Advance
DELTADortmund Electron Accelerator (University of Dortmund, Germany)
DELTADietary Effects on Lipoproteins and Thrombogenic Activity (study)
DELTADirect Electronic Links for Tender Administration
DELTADaily Employee Log of Time and Activities
DELTADetailed Labor and Time Analysis
DELTADrone Experiment Laser Test Assessment
DELTAUK Royal Flight Ground Command
DELTADerbyshire Learning and Technology Access (UK)
DELTADistinguished Elite Light Tactical Attachment (gaming clan)