COSMICConstellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate (collaboration project between US University Corporation for Atmospheric Research and ROC National Space Program Office)
COSMICComputer Software Management and Information Center
COSMICConcepts and Operations for Space and Missile Defense Integration Capabilities
COSMICThe Common Software Measurement International Consortium
COSMICNorth Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Security Category (US DoD)
COSMICCountry Specific Model for Intertemporal Climate
COSMICCommon System Main Interconnecting Frame
COSMICCoherent Optical System of Modular Imaging Collectors
COSMICComponent Synthesis with Model Integrated Computing
COSMICComputer Software Management Information Center
COSMICComparing Options in Secondary Mathematics: Investigating Curriculum (NSF-funded research project)
COSMICChamber Orchestra of Southern Marylnd in Concert
COSMICCenters For Ocean Surveillance & Maritime Information Coordination
COSMICCorporate Sustainability Management in Indian Companies (Adelphi; Berlin, Germany)
COSMICCatalogue of Somatic Mutation in Cancer (database)
COSMICConservation of Ancient Monuments in Cultivation