COPECongress of the People (South African ANC opposition party)
COPECommittee on Political Education
COPECommittee on Publication Ethics (UK)
COPECongress on Professional Education (American Library Association)
COPECost of Poor Execution (business performance)
COPECorporate Owned, Personally Enabled (business strategy)
COPECommittee on Professional Ethics (various organizations)
COPECertificate of Personal Effectiveness
COPECommission on Proprietary Education (Indiana)
COPECoalition of Progressive Electors (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
COPEChallenging Outdoor Personal Experience (Boy Scouts of America)
COPECommunications Opportunity, Promotion, and Enhancement Act of 2006 (US)
COPECoalition of Prison Evangelists (Euless, TX)
COPECytokines Online Pathfinder Encyclopaedia
COPECadena de Ondas Populares Españolas (Spanish Popular Waves Station)
COPECommittee on Public Enterprises (Sri Lanka)
COPECitizens Organized to Prepare for Emergencies (California)
COPECreate Once, Publish Everywhere
COPECoastal Oregon Productivity Enhancement (Corvallis, OR)
COPECooperative Orthotic and Prosthetic Enterprise (Vientiane, Laos provider of mobility devices to disabled)
COPEChrist Offers Peace Everlasting
COPECustodian Of Postal Effects
COPEConfederation of Organisers of Packaging Exhibitions (UK)
COPECouncil on Packaging in the Environment
COPECenter for Overcoming Problem Eating
COPEConstruction, Occupancy, Protection, Exposure (property insurance)
COPECenter for Occupational and Personalized Education (Michigan)
COPECoastal Ocean Probing Experiment
COPECitizens Option to Provide Energy
COPECurrency Overprinting and Processing Equipment (US Bureau of Engraving and Printing)
COPECenter of Protective Environment, Inc.
COPEConnecting Our Paths Eternally (Melville, NY)
COPECommunications Oriented Processing Equipment
COPEContingency Orbital Replacement Unit Protective Enclosure
COPEComplimentary Primary Education
COPECorpo de Operações Especiais (Special Operations Corps, Brazil police)
COPECommand Overview and Program Execution
COPEConcentrate, Observe, Predict, Execute (AARP 55/Alive Mature Driving Class)
COPEControl of Problem Equipment