Acronym | Definition |
COPE | Congress of the People (South African ANC opposition party) |
COPE | Committee on Political Education |
COPE | Committee on Publication Ethics (UK) |
COPE | Congress on Professional Education (American Library Association) |
COPE | Cost of Poor Execution (business performance) |
COPE | Corporate Owned, Personally Enabled (business strategy) |
COPE | Committee on Professional Ethics (various organizations) |
COPE | Certificate of Personal Effectiveness |
COPE | Commission on Proprietary Education (Indiana) |
COPE | Coalition of Progressive Electors (Vancouver, BC, Canada) |
COPE | Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience (Boy Scouts of America) |
COPE | Communications Opportunity, Promotion, and Enhancement Act of 2006 (US) |
COPE | Coalition of Prison Evangelists (Euless, TX) |
COPE | Cytokines Online Pathfinder Encyclopaedia |
COPE | Cadena de Ondas Populares Españolas (Spanish Popular Waves Station) |
COPE | Committee on Public Enterprises (Sri Lanka) |
COPE | Citizens Organized to Prepare for Emergencies (California) |
COPE | Create Once, Publish Everywhere |
COPE | Coastal Oregon Productivity Enhancement (Corvallis, OR) |
COPE | Cooperative Orthotic and Prosthetic Enterprise (Vientiane, Laos provider of mobility devices to disabled) |
COPE | Christ Offers Peace Everlasting |
COPE | Custodian Of Postal Effects |
COPE | Confederation of Organisers of Packaging Exhibitions (UK) |
COPE | Council on Packaging in the Environment |
COPE | Center for Overcoming Problem Eating |
COPE | Construction, Occupancy, Protection, Exposure (property insurance) |
COPE | Center for Occupational and Personalized Education (Michigan) |
COPE | Coastal Ocean Probing Experiment |
COPE | Citizens Option to Provide Energy |
COPE | Currency Overprinting and Processing Equipment (US Bureau of Engraving and Printing) |
COPE | Center of Protective Environment, Inc. |
COPE | Connecting Our Paths Eternally (Melville, NY) |
COPE | Communications Oriented Processing Equipment |
COPE | Contingency Orbital Replacement Unit Protective Enclosure |
COPE | Complimentary Primary Education |
COPE | Corpo de Operações Especiais (Special Operations Corps, Brazil police) |
COPE | Command Overview and Program Execution |
COPE | Concentrate, Observe, Predict, Execute (AARP 55/Alive Mature Driving Class) |
COPE | Control of Problem Equipment |