Acronym | Definition |
DSA | Distinguished Service Award |
DSA | Digital Signature Algorithm |
DSA | Driving Standards Agency (UK) |
DSA | Direct Selling Association |
DSA | Das Schwarze Auge (German adventure role-playing game) |
DSA | Division of Student Affairs |
DSA | Division of the State Architect (California) |
DSA | Disabled Students' Allowance |
DSA | Depression, Stress and Anxiety (mental health) |
DSA | Democratic Socialists of America |
DSA | Down Syndrome Association |
DSA | Directory System Agent |
DSA | Dynamic Spectrum Access (wireless networking) |
DSA | Data Structures and Algorithms |
DSA | Debt Sustainability Analysis |
DSA | Data Structure Analysis (algorithm) |
DSA | Development Studies Association (UK) |
DSA | Director of Student Activities (various locations) |
DSA | Dictionary of Scottish Architects (UK) |
DSA | Deputy Sheriffs Association |
DSA | Decision Support Access |
DSA | Dynamic System Analysis |
DSA | Digital Sound Adjustment |
DSA | Direct Screen Access |
DSA | Data Source Administrator |
DSA | Directory Server Agent |
DSA | Dynamic Stability Assistance |
DSA | Data Structures and Algorithm |
DSA | Dynamic Storage Area |
DSA | Dynamic Slot Assignment |
DSA | Dynamic Safety Action |
DSA | Dell Server Assistant |
DSA | Department of Student Activities (various schools) |
DSA | Daily Subsistence Allowance |
DSA | Data Storage Area |
DSA | Défibrillateur Semi-Automatique (French: Semi-Automatic Defibrillator) |
DSA | Defence Services Asia (Fair, Malaysia) |
DSA | Doncaster Sheffield Airport |
DSA | Directory Service Agent |
DSA | Distributed Systems Architecture |
DSA | Doubs Sud Athlétisme (French athletic club) |
DSA | Doctoral Student Association (various locations) |
DSA | Distributed Switch Architecture |
DSA | Denver School of the Arts (Colorado) |
DSA | Direct School Admission |
DSA | Data Systems Analysts, Inc. |
DSA | Deterministic Safety Analysis (nuclear power plants) |
DSA | Diocesan Services Appeal (Catholic church) |
DSA | Day Spa Association |
DSA | Duck Sports Authority (Oregon) |
DSA | Disabled Sailing Association |
DSA | Douglas Shaw & Associates (Naperville, IL) |
DSA | Deodorant Stones of America (Scottsdale, AZ) |
DSA | Dynamic Signal Analyzer |
DSA | Dynamic Spectrum Allocation |
DSA | Display System Activity (semiconductors) |
DSA | Defense Supply Agency (now Defense Logistics Agency; US DoD) |
DSA | Division of Student Administration (various locations) |
DSA | Diabetes South Africa |
DSA | Dynamic Security Agent (software) |
DSA | Deploy, Secure and Analyze (VMware class) |
DSA | Database Security Analyst |
DSA | Dynamic Scalable Architecture |
DSA | Dynamic Storage Allocation |
DSA | Défis Sports Aventures (French: Adventure Sports Challenges) |
DSA | Documented Safety Analysis (US Department of Energy) |
DSA | Design Sensitivity Analysis |
DSA | Dynamic System Analysis (IBM) |
DSA | Dragonfly Society of the Americas |
DSA | Digital Storage Architecture |
DSA | Dauphiné Ski Alpinisme (French ski club) |
DSA | Direct Selling Agents (marketing) |
DSA | Dimensionally Stable Anode |
DSA | Direct State Aid (various locations) |
DSA | Disposal Services Agency (UK Ministry of Defense) |
DSA | Division Support Area |
DSA | Digital Signage Association |
DSA | Divided States of America |
DSA | Driscoll Strawberry Associates (Watsonville, CA) |
DSA | Département de Sociologie-Anthropologie (French: Department of Sociology-Anthropology) |
DSA | Defense Special Assessment (US DoD; Defense Intelligence Agency) |
DSA | David Shepard Associates (Manchester, VT) |
DSA | Dynamic Stability Assistance (Volvo) |
DSA | Designated Smoking Area |
DSA | Data Service Adapter |
DSA | Debt Settlement America (various locations) |
DSA | Daniel Saunier Architecte (French architecture firm) |
DSA | Donor Specific Antibody |
DSA | Department of Student Affairs (various locations) |
DSA | Digital Spectrum Analyzer |
DSA | Dental Surgery Assistant |
DSA | Director of Special Affairs (Church of Scientology) |
DSA | Deputy for Systems Acquisition (Army) |
DSA | Dynamic Strain Aging (metals) |
DSA | Debian Security Announcement |
DSA | Département Sciences Analytiques (French: Analytical Sciences Department) |
DSA | Draguignan Services Automobiles (French: Draguignan Car Services; Draguignan, France) |
DSA | Desire Street Academy (various locations) |
DSA | Division of Scientific Authority |
DSA | Division Service Area (various organizations) |
DSA | Dial Service Assistance |
DSA | Delayed Spatial Alternation |
DSA | Dynamic Single Assignment |
DSA | Definity Site Administration (Lucent/Avaya telecom switch software application) |
DSA | Diploma in Sport Administration |
DSA | Dial System Assistance |
DSA | Diffusion Service Assistance (French printing equipment distribution company) |
DSA | Dansk Selskab for Allergologi |
DSA | Department of Shared Accountability (Montgomery County, MD) |
DSA | Dentsu Sports America (Dentsu America; New York, NY) |
DSA | Drug Safety Associate |
DSA | Distributed Sample Acquisition |
DSA | Delmarva Safety Association (Georgetown, Delaware) |
DSA | Disabled Sportsmen of America |
DSA | Defect Source Analysis |
DSA | Dynamic Search Algorithm (networking) |
DSA | Dynamic Service Add |
DSA | Dansk Sports- og Avlschampionat (Denmark) |
DSA | Dual Serotonergic Antidepressant (medication) |
DSA | DS Advanced (website) |
DSA | Defense Systems Acquisition |
DSA | Detailed Site Assessment (Canada) |
DSA | Defence Security Agency |
DSA | Design Services Allocation |
DSA | Direct Silicon Access |
DSA | Depth and Simultaneous Attack |
DSA | Defense Shipping Authority |
DSA | Dynamic Subcarrier Assignment (wireless networks) |
DSA | Diplôme Supérieur d'Aptitude à l'Enseignement (French: Advanced Diploma of Proficiency in Teaching) |
DSA | Designated State Authority |
DSA | Distribution Systems Analyzer |
DSA | Digital Serving Area |
DSA | Direct Shock Action (Ski-Doo snowmobiles) |
DSA | Directed Search Area |
DSA | Directory System Authentication |
DSA | Dynamic Service Adaptation |
DSA | Double-Slot Antenna |
DSA | Dedicated Switched Access |
DSA | Directory Service Administrator |
DSA | Dominant Scatterer Algorithm |
DSA | Defense Services Administration |
DSA | Disaster Services Agency |
DSA | Double Studded Adapter (oil industry) |
DSA | Data Systems Administration |
DSA | Data Systems Architecture |
DSA | Dynamic Simulated Annealing |
DSA | Demeures des Sorgues et d'Ailleurs (French real estate company) |
DSA | Detailed Support Arrangement |
DSA | Deltona Street Association (car club, Deltona, Florida) |
DSA | Deaf Sports Australia Ltd |
DSA | Data Splitter Assembly |
DSA | Digital Standard Algorithm |
DSA | Deputy Science Advisor |
DSA | Digital Subtraction Angiography/Angiogram |
DSA | Direct Services-ANI-Based |
DSA | Distributed Sparse Array |
DSA | Dealer Standard Accounting |
DSA | Doppler Scattering Centroid |
DSA | Dedicated Signaling Access |
DSA | Detailed Scheduling Algorithm |
DSA | Disk Storage Assembly |
DSA | Distance Spectrum Analysis |
DSA | Decimal Shift & Add |
DSA | Departmental Security Authorizer (State Farm) |
DSA | Debt Service Agreement (various organizations) |
DSA | Design Support Analysis |
DSA | Dispositifs de Socialisation et d'Apprentissage en Collège (French: Mechanisms of Socialization and Learning in College) |
DSA | Dell SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) Array (controller) |
DSA | Area-Scale Fractal Dimension (fractal geometry of engineering surface) |
DSA | Digital Super Album |