Acronym | Definition |
DCLA | District of Columbia Library Association |
DCLA | Diamond Certification Laboratory of Australia |
DCLA | Daring Club Leuven Atletiek |
DCLA | Distinguished Canadian Leadership Awards |
DCLA | differential cytolocalization assay |
DCLA | Denton County Livestock Association (Denton, TX) |
DCLA | Dade County Library Association |
DCLA | Direct Current Level Adjustment |
DCLA | deep core/lipid A |
DCLA | Digital Cementum Luminance Analysis |
DCLA | Delaware County Legal Assistance |
DCLA | Dartmouth Club of Los Angeles |
DCLA | Douglas County Lakes Association (Minnesota) |
DCLA | Design Coupled Loads Analysis |
DCLA | Deputy Controller Local Audit |
DCLA | Dixie Chix Lacrosse Academy |
DCLA | diene conjugated linoleic acid |
DCLA | Defence Council Letters of Appreciation (UK) |
DCLA | Durham County Library Association |
DCLA | Department of Communities and Local Authorities |
DCLA | Development Civil Landing Areas |
DCLA | Deep Cycle Lead Acid (battery) |
DCLA | Devonport Christian Leaders Association |
DCLA | Diffusion Limited Cluster Aggregation |
DCLA | Digital City Los Angeles |