COBRAConsolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (US)
COBRACommon Open Brokerage Architecture
COBRACorporate Brand and Reputation Analysis
COBRACOpenhagen, BRussels and Amsterdam
COBRACopenhagen Brussels Amsterdam (avant-garde artists)
COBRACabinet Office Briefing Room A (London, UK)
COBRACounter Battery Radar
COBRACoastal Battlefield Reconnaissance and Analysis
COBRAChemical/Biological Response Aide (Defense Group Inc. software)
COBRAComputerised Bibliographic Record Actions
COBRAContext Broker Architecture
COBRACommunication Technology: Basic Research and Applications (Technical University of Eindhoven, Netherlands)
COBRACost of Base Realignment Actions
COBRACombined Old Boys Rugby Association
COBRACentral Oregon Battering & Rape Alliance (Oregon)
COBRACo-Optimized Booster for Reusable Applications (NASA)
COBRAChemical, Ordnance, Biological, & Radiological
COBRACoastal Barrier Resources Act of 1982
COBRAComplete Oil Breakdown Rate Analyzer
COBRAComputer Optimized Batch Reconciliation Application
COBRAConcise Object Relational Architecture (Kimble Consultancy Services Ltd.)
COBRAConstraint-Based Reconstruction and Analysis (biology)
COBRACoaxial Beam-Rotating Antenna
COBRACollection of Broadcasts from Remote Assets (US DoD)
COBRACogeneration, Boiler and Refrigeration Professionals
COBRACOntent-Based Retrieval Architecture
COBRACollaborative Battlespace Reasoning and Awareness (US Army)
COBRACOnservation of a vital european scientific & Biotechnological Resource: microAlgae & cyanobacteria (European Commission Research Project No. QLRT-2000-01645)
COBRAConservation of Biodiversity Resource Areas (Kenya)
COBRACost, Operational Benefit and Requirements Analysis
COBRAContract Bridge Association
COBRACornell Beam Research Accelerator
COBRACoherent Online Baseband Receiver for Astronomy
COBRACollege of Business Recent Alumni (Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY)
COBRACenter-point Based Regional Access (Cody Systems)
COBRACombat Outcome Based on Rules of Attrition
COBRACoordinated Battleforce Replay and Analysis
COBRAContinuous Beam Research Apparatus
COBRAConfidence Bounds and Risk Assessment
COBRAconstant boiling and rod arrays
COBRACombat Outcomes Based on Rules for Attrition