DSCCDemocratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
DSCCDefense Supply Center Columbus (US DoD)
DSCCDistance Sensing Cruise Control
DSCCDyersburg State Community College (Dyersburg, TN)
DSCCDivision of Specialized Care for Children (Illinois Title V agency)
DSCCDemocratic State Central Committee
DSCCDelaware State Chamber of Commerce (Wilmington, DE)
DSCCDeep Space Communications Complex (NASA Deep Space Network)
DSCCDeep Space Communications Complex
DSCCDirection des Services aux Communautés Culturelles (French: Directorate of Services of Cultural Communities; Canada)
DSCCDatsun Sports Car Club (Japan)
DSCCDisease Specific Care Certification (Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations)
DSCCDivision of Services for Crippled Children
DSCCDallas Sports Car Club
DSCCDundee Senior Citizens Center (Michigan)
DSCCDoctor of Social Science