Acronym | Definition |
ASM | Assembly (language) |
ASM | Assembler Source Language (file name extension) |
ASM | American Society for Microbiology |
ASM | Assembler |
ASM | Amazing Spider-Man (comic book) |
ASM | Automatic Storage Management (software) |
ASM | American Samoa (ISO Country code) |
ASM | Airway Smooth Muscle |
ASM | Air-to-Surface Missile |
ASM | Annual Scientific Meeting (various organizations) |
ASM | Advantage Sales and Marketing (Irvine, CA) |
ASM | Anti-Submarine |
ASM | Abstract State Machine |
ASM | Associated Students of Madison (University of Wisconsin) |
ASM | Advances in Strategic Management |
ASM | Akademi Sains Malaysia (Malay: Academy of Sciences Malaysia) |
ASM | Assistant Store Manager |
ASM | Available Seat Mile |
ASM | Area Sales Manager |
ASM | Aerospace Sciences Meeting (Aerospace Industries Association of America, Inc.) |
ASM | Adaptec Storage Manager (computing) |
ASM | Any Source Multicast |
ASM | Allgäu-Schwäbischer Musikbund (German: Allgäu-Swabian Music League; southern Germany) |
ASM | Annual Spring Meeting (various organizations) |
ASM | Assistant Secretary for Management (various organizations) |
ASM | Acibenzolar-S-Methyl (fungicide) |
ASM | Abnormal Situation Management |
ASM | Architectural Stm Module |
ASM | Application Security Manager |
ASM | Acer System Management |
ASM | Automatikschaltmodus Manueller Schaltmodus |
ASM | Association for Systems Management |
ASM | Application Specific Memory |
ASM | Advanced Services Module |
ASM | Automated Storage Management |
ASM | Analog Switching Module |
ASM | Application Storage Manager |
ASM | All in One Storage Manager |
ASM | Assembly Language |
ASM | Administrative Service Module |
ASM | Advanced System Management |
ASM | Adaptec Storage Manager |
ASM | All Star Movies (hotel; Walt Disney World Resort; Orlando, FL) |
ASM | All Sales Manufacturing |
ASM | Artisanal and Small-scale Mining |
ASM | A Single Man (film) |
ASM | Assistant Stage Manager |
ASM | Australian Society for Microbiology (Melbourne, VIC, Australia) |
ASM | All-Sky Monitor |
ASM | Assistant Scoutmaster (Boy Scouts of America) |
ASM | Aggressive Space Mapping (algorithm) |
ASM | Acceleration Simulation Mode (emission test standard) |
ASM | After School Music (band) |
ASM | Airspace Management |
ASM | Advanced Systems Management |
ASM | Application Server Model (software) |
ASM | American Society for Materials (now the Materials Information Society) |
ASM | Annual Stockholders Meeting |
ASM | Asset Management System |
ASM | Applications Sales Manager (various companies) |
ASM | Algorithmic State Machine |
ASM | Association Sportive de Monaco (Monaco Sporting Association) |
ASM | Advanced System Monitoring (software) |
ASM | Antenna Switch Module |
ASM | Association Sportive Montferrandaise (French rugby club) |
ASM | Action Sports Media |
ASM | Agricultural Systems Management |
ASM | American Society for Metals International |
ASM | Academy of Sciences Malaysia |
ASM | Acquisition Strategy Meeting (US NASA) |
ASM | activated sludge model |
ASM | American Society of Missiology |
ASM | Assistant Service Manager (automotive) |
ASM | Antiship Missile |
ASM | Armored Scout Mission (US DoD) |
ASM | Antigen Spam Manager (spam detection and removal) |
ASM | Anderson Schools of Management |
ASM | Advanced Server Management |
ASM | Application-Specific Memory |
ASM | Administrative Support Manual |
ASM | Advanced Strategic Management Consultants (Burk Falls, ON, Canada) |
ASM | Austrian Society for Aerospace Medicine |
ASM | Account Services Manager |
ASM | Aviation Support Equipment Technician Mechanical (US Navy) |
ASM | Area Service Manager |
ASM | Association of Systems Management |
ASM | Armored Systems Modernization |
ASM | Application Support and Maintenance |
ASM | Air Systems Master |
ASM | Active Switching Matrix (switch packets) |
ASM | Active Stability Management (gaming, Gran Tourismo) |
ASM | Algebraic Stress Model |
ASM | Air Separation Module |
ASM | Australian Security Medal |
ASM | Advanced Services Module (Riverstone Networks) |
ASM | Air Services Museum (Colorado) |
ASM | Artificer Sergeant Major |
ASM | AMTCS (Aviation Maintenance Training Continuum System) Software Module |
ASM | Aircraft Structural Maintenance |
ASM | Antarctica Service Medal |
ASM | Anti-Seizure Medication |
ASM | Anonymous Subscriber Messaging |
ASM | Auxiliary Storage Manager |
ASM | Actuarial Study Materials (educational publisher) |
ASM | Asynchronous State Machine |
ASM | Attached Synchronization Marker (telecommunications) |
ASM | Array Scanning Method |
ASM | Associate Store Manager |
ASM | Application of Software Measurement |
ASM | Account-Specific Marketing (marketing) |
ASM | Application Systems Management |
ASM | Application Service Manager |
ASM | ATM Switching Module |
ASM | Administrative Services Manual |
ASM | Association des Sports Mécaniques (French: Motorsports Association) |
ASM | Area Store Manager |
ASM | Aura Session Manager (Avaya) |
ASM | Automated Scheduling Message |
ASM | Alarm Siren Module (automotive) |
ASM | Aircraft Schematics Manual (aviation) |
ASM | Area Sales Management |
ASM | Application of Software Models |
ASM | Automated System Management |
ASM | Agriculture Systems Management Club |
ASM | Automated Software Maintenance |
ASM | Aviation Survival Man |
ASM | Actuator Signal Management |
ASM | Auxiliary Systems Monitor (Navy watch duty) |
ASM | Academic Specialty Monitor |
ASM | Adaptive Security Management |
ASM | Ancillary Service Management |
ASM | Analog Symbol Monitoring |
ASM | Acoustic Surface Measurement |
ASM | Attitude Sensor Model |
ASM | Access Switching Module (ATM) |
ASM | Advanced Scavenging Model (air pollution modeling) |
ASM | Agency Spread Matrix |
ASM | Army Security Monitor |
ASM | Aircraft State Message |
ASM | (USN Rating) Aviation Support Equipment Technician (Mechanical) |
ASM | Auxiliary Storage Module |
ASM | Adaptive Signal Masking |
ASM | Audio Switching Matrix |
ASM | Asmara, Eritrea - Asmara International/Yohannes Iv (Airport Code) |
ASM | Aircraft Squadron Manning Document |
ASM | Airborne Supersonic Missile |
ASM | Airfield Survivability Measures |
ASM | Abominable Snow Man |
ASM | Airsoft-Mende (French Airsoft club) |
ASM | Advanced Skills Management System (US Navy) |
ASM | Aircraft Supportability Modifications |
ASM | Accessibility Similarity Matrix |
ASM | Advanced Sea Mine |
ASM | Anti-Static Material |
ASM | ATM Service Multiplexer (Fujitsu) |
ASM | Application Systems Maintenance |
ASM | Association Sportive Mouvalloise (French sports association) |
ASM | Assembly of Social Mobilization (Sri Lanka) |
ASM | Army Synchronization Meeting (US Army) |