COMETCarvedilol or Metoprolol European Trial (clinical study)
COMETCisco Complete Optical Multiservice Edge and Transport
COMETCommercialising Emerging Technologies (Australian mining)
COMETCooperative Program for Operational Meteorology, Education and Training (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research)
COMETComité d'Organisation des Manifestations Économiques et Touristiques (French: Organizing Committee for Economic and Tourism Events)
COMETComplete Optical Multiservice Edge and Transport
COMETCommercial Experiment Transporter
COMETConcurrent Object Modeling and Architectural Design Method (software design method for concurrent, distributed, and real time applications)
COMETCalifornia Online Mathematics Education Times (weekly journal)
COMETCommercial Education and Training (Canada)
COMETConstruction Materials Engineering and Testing
COMETCost Of Manpower Estimating Tool
COMETComputational Mechanics Testbed
COMETComplementary Medicines Transition Database
COMETCOmmunication by MEteor Trails (meteor burst communications system)
COMETCompressor Operations Management Expert Tool
COMETCollection en Orbite de Matiere Extra Terrestre
COMETCommand Experience & Training
COMETCisco Optical Multiservice Edge and Transport
COMETCompuscan Optical Message Entry Terminal
COMETCommon Environment for Testing
COMETCommander's Maintenance Evaluation Team (US Army)