Acronym | Definition |
ASN | American Society of Nephrology |
ASN | Abstract Syntax Notation |
ASN | Autonomous System Number |
ASN | Asian |
ASN | Asparagine |
ASN | Assistant Secretary of the Navy |
ASN | Aviation Safety Network |
ASN | Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire (French: Nuclear Safety Authority) |
ASN | Associate of Science In Nursing |
ASN | All Sports Network (pan-Asian sports channel) |
ASN | American Sports Network |
ASN | American Society for Nutrition (Bethesda, MD) |
ASN | Access Service Network |
ASN | Auxiliary Signal Network |
ASN | Aswan (Egyptian automobile license plate) |
ASN | Alcatel Submarine Network |
ASN | American Society for Neurochemistry (Windermere, FL) |
ASN | Advance Ship Notices |
ASN | Adobe Solutions Network |
ASN | Aeronautical Study Number (US FAA) |
ASN | Average Sample Number |
ASN | Advanced Shipment Notification |
ASN | American Society of Neuroimaging (Minneapolis, MN) |
ASN | American Society of Naturalists |
ASN | Augmented Social Network |
ASN | Authorized Services Network |
ASN | Access Stack Node (Baystream) |
ASN | Atlantic Satellite Network |
ASN | Autorite Sportive Nationale (French: National Sporting Association) |
ASN | Access Service Node |
ASN | Acquired Situational Narcissism (psychology) |
ASN | Additional Student Numbers (UK) |
ASN | Attorney Search Network (California) |
ASN | Accelerated Sports Nutraceuticals (est. 1997) |
ASN | Allotment Serial Number |
ASN | Assigned Serial Number |
ASN | Amyloidosis Support Network |
ASN | Australian Science Network |
ASN | Axon-Schwann Cell Network |
ASN | Artificial Social Network |
ASN | ATM Switching Network (Siemens/Stromberg-Carlson) |
ASN | All Saints Neighborhood (Florida) |
ASN | Auxiliary Signal Network (Cisco) |
ASN | AT&T Switched Network |
ASN | Army Service Number |
ASN | Active Sensor Network |
ASN | AIDS Support Network of San Luis Obispo County |
ASN | Abstract Symbol Notation |
ASN | Atomic Strike Net |
ASN | Autonomous and Spontaneous Networks (Symposium) |
ASN | American Switching Network |
ASN | Assigned Sequence Number |
ASN | Advanced Shipment/Shipping Notice |
ASN | Amazon Stock Number (Amazon) |
ASN | Avionics Systems Network |
ASN | Association Sahel Nature (Burkina Faso) |
ASN | Access Stack Note (Wescon) |
ASN | Automated Surveillance Network |
ASN | A Sweet Niche (band) |
ASN | Ad-Hoc Secondary Network (wireless communications) |
ASN | Aerospatiale Norme (Romanian: Aerospace Standards) |
ASN | African Solution Network (Bronx, NY) |