Acronym | Definition |
BNS | Burns (Amtrak station code; Burns, OR) |
BNS | Bank of Nova Scotia |
BNS | Binary Neutron Star (astronomy) |
BNS | Basic Network Services |
BNS | Broadcast Network Server |
BNS | Business Network Solutions |
BNS | Backbone Node Subsystems |
BNS | Broadcast Network Systems |
BNS | Banque Nationale Suisse (French: Swiss National Bank) |
BNS | Beef Noodle Soup |
BNS | Business Network Solutions (various locations) |
BNS | Baltic News Service |
BNS | Blitz-Nick-Salaam (seizures) |
BNS | Bluenose (fish species) |
BNS | Boy's National School (Ireland) |
BNS | Billed Number Screening |
BNS | Business Network Systems |
BNS | Birmingham New Street (UK rail station) |
BNS | Business Network Switzerland (foreign trade publication) |
BNS | Backbone Network Service |
BNS | Bachelor of Nursing Science |
BNS | Breakneck Speed (Rock Band; gaming) |
BNS | Binary Number System |
BNS | Broadband Network Service |
BNS | Beni Suef (Egyptian automobile license plate) |
BNS | Barinas, Venezuela - Barinas (Airport Code) |
BNS | Brevet National de Secouriste (French: National First Aid Certificate) |
BNS | Bischof Neumann Schule |
BNS | Bilateral Nerve-Sparing |
BNS | Bureau de Normalisation de la Siderurgie (France) |
BNS | Bachelor of Naval Science |
BNS | Beaver and Steve (web comic) |
BNS | Befriending Network Scotland |
BNS | Ballet Nautique de Strasbourg (French: Water Ballet of Strasbourg; Strasbourg, France) |
BNS | Brand New Stars (band) |
BNS | Bomb Navigation System |
BNS | Bond van Nederlandse Stedebouwkundigen (Dutch: Dutch Association of Urban Designers) |
BNS | Bacon Numerical System |