DDTDichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (insecticide; CAS Number 50-29-3)
DDTDirection Départementale des Territoires (French: Departmental Territories)
DDTDossier de Diagnostic Technique (French sales surveys)
DDTDramatic Dream Team (professional wrestling promotion; Japan; also seen as D2T)
DDTDark Dirigible Titan
DDTDon't Do That
DDTDistributed Debugging Tool (Allinea)
DDTDividend Distribution Tax
DDTDivision of Diabetes Translation (CDC)
DDTDocumento Di Trasporto (Italian)
DDTDisk to Disk to Tape (data preservation)
DDTDeflagration to Detonation Transition
DDTDirection de la Dynamique Territoriale (French: Directorate of Territorial Dynamics)
DDTDesign Development Test
DDTDynamic Debugging Tool
DDTDynamic Debugging Technique
DDTDEC Debugging Tape
DDTDigital Distribution Taskforce (record label)
DDTDue Diligence Team (various organizations)
DDTDamien's Dinner Time (pro wrestling move)
DDTDewey Defeats Truman (band)
DDTDrop Dead Twice
DDTDiamond Dude Turbo (Yu-Gi-Oh card game)
DDTDigital Diagnostic Tester
DDTDefine Device Trigger (GPIB Command)
DDTDirect Drive Turntable
DDTDistortion Detection Technology (Peavey)
DDTDigital Data Transmitter
DDTDesign, Development, and Test
DDTData Description Table
DDTDamn Devastating Terror (pro wrestling move)
DDTDifferential Dieaway Technique
DDTDifferential Die-away Technique
DDTDependence Detection Table
DDTDesi Dance Teams (dance coalition)
DDTDrop Dead Thread (forum)
DDTDyadic Decision Tree
DDTDetailed Design Tool
DDTDangerous Dudes on Tour (Return to Castle Wolfenstein multiplayer gaming clan)
DDTDistributed Decision-aid Tool
DDTDownsized Deployable Terminal
DDTDivine Dance Troupe (UK)