Acronym | Definition |
DDT | Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (insecticide; CAS Number 50-29-3) |
DDT | Direction Départementale des Territoires (French: Departmental Territories) |
DDT | Dossier de Diagnostic Technique (French sales surveys) |
DDT | Dramatic Dream Team (professional wrestling promotion; Japan; also seen as D2T) |
DDT | Dark Dirigible Titan |
DDT | Don't Do That |
DDT | Distributed Debugging Tool (Allinea) |
DDT | Dividend Distribution Tax |
DDT | Division of Diabetes Translation (CDC) |
DDT | Documento Di Trasporto (Italian) |
DDT | Disk to Disk to Tape (data preservation) |
DDT | Deflagration to Detonation Transition |
DDT | Direction de la Dynamique Territoriale (French: Directorate of Territorial Dynamics) |
DDT | Design Development Test |
DDT | Dynamic Debugging Tool |
DDT | Dynamic Debugging Technique |
DDT | DEC Debugging Tape |
DDT | Digital Distribution Taskforce (record label) |
DDT | Due Diligence Team (various organizations) |
DDT | Damien's Dinner Time (pro wrestling move) |
DDT | Dewey Defeats Truman (band) |
DDT | Drop Dead Twice |
DDT | Diamond Dude Turbo (Yu-Gi-Oh card game) |
DDT | Digital Diagnostic Tester |
DDT | Define Device Trigger (GPIB Command) |
DDT | Direct Drive Turntable |
DDT | Distortion Detection Technology (Peavey) |
DDT | Digital Data Transmitter |
DDT | Design, Development, and Test |
DDT | Data Description Table |
DDT | Damn Devastating Terror (pro wrestling move) |
DDT | Differential Dieaway Technique |
DDT | Differential Die-away Technique |
DDT | Dependence Detection Table |
DDT | Desi Dance Teams (dance coalition) |
DDT | Drop Dead Thread (forum) |
DDT | Dyadic Decision Tree |
DDT | Detailed Design Tool |
DDT | Dangerous Dudes on Tour (Return to Castle Wolfenstein multiplayer gaming clan) |
DDT | Distributed Decision-aid Tool |
DDT | Downsized Deployable Terminal |
DDT | Divine Dance Troupe (UK) |