Acronym | Definition |
CTBA | Centre Technique du Bois et de l'Ameublement (French: Technical Center for Wood and Furniture) |
CTBA | California Thoroughbred Breeders Association |
CTBA | Center for Tax and Budget Accountability |
CTBA | Cuatro Torres Business Area (Madrid, Spain) |
CTBA | Cricket Training Balls Australia |
CTBA | Converging Technologies Bar Association |
CTBA | Central Texas Ballooning Association |
CTBA | Central Texas Bluegrass Association |
CTBA | Central Texas Barbecue Association |
CTBA | Chinese Taipei Badminton Association |
CTBA | Chinese Taipei Billiard Association |
CTBA | Colerain Township Business Association |
CTBA | Centre for Time Based Art |
CTBA | Central Texas Bass Anglers |
CTBA | Central Triad Baptist Association |