Acronym | Definition |
CTC | Counseling and Testing Center (various schools) |
CTC | Contact |
CTC | Concurrent Technologies Corporation |
CTC | Community Technology Center |
CTC | Commission on Teacher Credentialing (California) |
CTC | Challenging Tommorow's Changes (marketing; Japan) |
CTC | Child Tax Credit |
CTC | Center-to-Center (construction) |
CTC | Coast to Coast (Vision) |
CTC | Counter-Terrorism Committee (United Nations Security Council) |
CTC | Cyclists' Touring Club |
CTC | China Trust Commercial |
CTC | Community and Technical College (various locations) |
CTC | Canadian Tire Corporation |
CTC | Central Texas College |
CTC | California Transportation Commission |
CTC | Changing the Culture (various organizations) |
CTC | China Telecom Corporation |
CTC | Carbon Tetrachloride |
CTC | Collectivité Territoriale de Corse (French: Territorial Collectivity of Corsica; Corsica, France) |
CTC | Centralized Traffic Control (Railways) |
CTC | Cisco Transport Controller |
CTC | Calcutta Tramways Company |
CTC | Congres du Travail du Canada (Canadian Labour Congress) |
CTC | Certified True Copy |
CTC | Canadian Tourism Commission |
CTC | Catholic Theological College (Australia) |
CTC | Certified Travel Counselor |
CTC | California Commission on Teacher Credentialing |
CTC | Certified Travel Consultant |
CTC | Common Toxicity Criteria |
CTC | Car To Car (police radio channel assignments) |
CTC | Celebrate the Century (USPS stamp program) |
CTC | Career & Technology Center |
CTC | Channel-To-Channel |
CTC | Crush, Tear, Curl (tea production) |
CTC | Career Technology Center (Scranton, Pennsylvania) |
CTC | Capture the Crown (band) |
CTC | Cornell Theory Center |
CTC | Compagnie de Transports de Céréales (French transportation company) |
CTC | Compañía de Telecomunicaciones de Chile |
CTC | Centre on Transnational Corporations (UN) |
CTC | Chubu Telecommunications Co., Inc. (Japan) |
CTC | Central Technical College (various locations) |
CTC | Commodity Trading Company (Sierra Leone) |
CTC | Combiner Tuner Controller |
CTC | Client to Client |
CTC | Common Transmit Clocking |
CTC | Carrier to Carrier |
CTC | Ceramic Port Card |
CTC | Compact Port Card |
CTC | Channel to Channel |
CTC | Click to Call |
CTC | Click to Connect |
CTC | Cell Transfer Capacity |
CTC | Circulating Tumor Cell |
CTC | Cut-Tear-Curl (tea manufacture method) |
CTC | Canadian Transport Commission |
CTC | Competition Transition Charge |
CTC | Courage to Care (various organizations) |
CTC | Centre for Training and Consultancy |
CTC | Combat Training Center |
CTC | Commodity Trading Corporation (India) |
CTC | Chlortetracycline |
CTC | City Technology College (British school) |
CTC | Careerline Tech Center (Ottawa, Canada) |
CTC | Columbus Technical College (Georgia) |
CTC | Community That Cares (various locations) |
CTC | Concept to Customer (process flow chart) |
CTC | Counter-Terrorism Center |
CTC | Canada Tibet Committee |
CTC | Community Treatment Center |
CTC | Citizens Trade Campaign |
CTC | Commonwealth Tourism Centre (UK) |
CTC | Clinical Trials Consortium (various organizations) |
CTC | Career Transition Center |
CTC | Clackamas Town Center (Oregon) |
CTC | Chiba Television Broadcasting Corporation (Japan) |
CTC | Cost To Complete |
CTC | Charlottesville Track Club (Charlottesville, VA) |
CTC | Cytotoxic T Cell |
CTC | Central Tracking Chamber (physics) |
CTC | Competitive Tendering and Contracting |
CTC | Central Texas Communications |
CTC | Clinical Trials Center |
CTC | Cut The Crap |
CTC | Commonwealth Trust Company (various locations) |
CTC | Court Technology Conference |
CTC | Center for Technical Studies (Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania) |
CTC | Coffee, Tea and Chocolate |
CTC | Chenove Triathlon Club (Chenove, France) |
CTC | Cost to Company |
CTC | Certified Training Course (various organizations) |
CTC | Cinnamon Toast Crunch (cereal) |
CTC | Centre Technique de Coiffure (French beauty school) |
CTC | Correctional Treatment Center |
CTC | Citizens Trust Company (various locations) |
CTC | Cable Television Commission (various locations) |
CTC | Counter Timer Circuit |
CTC | Counter/Timer Circuit |
CTC | Cargo Transfer Company (US Army) |
CTC | Canadian Telephone Company |
CTC | Confluence Technology Center (Wenatchee, WA) |
CTC | Campus Technology Center (Sprint) |
CTC | Counter-Terrorist Center |
CTC | Center for Tropical Conservation (Duke University; Durham, NC) |
CTC | Closed Timelike Curve |
CTC | Cassette to Cassette (semiconductor manufacturing) |
CTC | Cadre Training Course |
CTC | Campus Testing Center (various universities) |
CTC | Condition-Transition-Consequence (software engineering) |
CTC | Cable i Televisió de Catalunya |
CTC | Computerized Tomographic Colonography |
CTC | Consolidated Telephone Company (Brainerd, MN) |
CTC | Conservation Tax Credit (North Carolina) |
CTC | Clark Training and Consulting |
CTC | Convolutional Turbo Code |
CTC | Configurable Tag Cloud (WordPress plugin) |
CTC | Courtier Travaux Conseil (French business broker) |
CTC | Cumberland Trail Conference |
CTC | Critical to Customer (product design parameter) |
CTC | California Tomato Commission |
CTC | Compassionate Terminal Care (medical directive) |
CTC | Control Technology Center |
CTC | Code Technology Committee (International Code Council) |
CTC | Clinical Team Conference (National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization) |
CTC | Cholera Treatment Center (Doctors Without Borders) |
CTC | Chin-To-Chest (muscle excercise) |
CTC | Care to Chat? |
CTC | Canticle of the Creatures (Saint Francis of Assisi) |
CTC | Construction Training Centre (Australia) |
CTC | Community Tax Certificate |
CTC | Corporate Tax Credit Scholarship (Florida, USA) |
CTC | Cornerstone Theater Company (Los Angeles, CA) |
CTC | Concord Telephone Company (North Carolina) |
CTC | Cyclo Touristes Carcassonnais (French cycling association) |
CTC | Cantara Trustee Council (California) |
CTC | Critical to Cost (quality control) |
CTC | Children Teach Children (Israel) |
CTC | Convention and Tourism Corporation (Washington, DC) |
CTC | Cost Tech Consulting, Inc (Burlingame, CA) |
CTC | Core Technology Corporation |
CTC | Core Technical Competency |
CTC | Committee on Teaching of Chemistry |
CTC | Cross the Canal |
CTC | Contract Target Cost |
CTC | Chicago Technology Cooperative (Chicago, IL) |
CTC | Continuously Transposed Conductor (winding wire) |
CTC | Center for Technology Commercialization, Inc. |
CTC | Clermont Transportation Connection |
CTC | Colorado Tree Coalition |
CTC | Climatic Test Chamber |
CTC | Chief Turret Captain (rank; US Navy) |
CTC | Combined Training Center |
CTC | Center for Technical Communication |
CTC | Croatia Tourist Center |
CTC | Camera, Timing and Control (NASA) |
CTC | Cornering Torque Control (Opel) |
CTC | Capital Transportation Corporation |
CTC | Call the Cell |
CTC | Call Them Collect |
CTC | Consejo de Trabajadores del Caribe (Spanish) |
CTC | Commissione Tributaria Centrale (Italian: Central Tax Commission) |
CTC | Comic Talk Cafe (podcast) |
CTC | Counter-Terrorism Clearance (UKl) |
CTC | Cornet Technology Communications |
CTC | Covenant Trust Company |
CTC | Cincinnati Technical Center (OSHA) |
CTC | Chief Test Conductor (NASA) |
CTC | Contract Termination Charge |
CTC | Centralized Train Central |
CTC | Center Technology Council |
CTC | Costello Technology College (UK) |
CTC | Combat Targeting Center |
CTC | Circuit Trial Counsel (US military, traveling prosecutor) |
CTC | Command and Telemetry Controller |
CTC | Commando Training Center (Royal Marines in Lymstone, Devon) |
CTC | Central Training Council |
CTC | Caracas Theater Club |
CTC | Color, Temperature, Condition (emergency care skin assessment) |
CTC | Comprehensive Tissue Centre (Canadian tissue banks) |
CTC | CALS Technology Center |
CTC | Clock Time Counter |
CTC | Centralized Test Center (Hekimian) |
CTC | Central Timber Co-Operative Limited |
CTC | Customer Training Centre |
CTC | Cardholder to Card |
CTC | Coefficient of Thermal Contraction |
CTC | Communication and Tracking Console |
CTC | Capital Transit Company (Washington, DC) |
CTC | Center for Technology Cooperation |
CTC | Continuous Train Control |
CTC | CCSDS Unsegmented Time Code |
CTC | Certified Tile Consultant (Ceramic Tile Institute of America) |
CTC | Centralized Translations Control |
CTC | Consolidated Test Center |
CTC | Computer Technology Council |
CTC | Counter Terrorism Consortium |
CTC | Chief Cryptologic Technician (Naval rating) |
CTC | Cobra's Tuning Club (French automobile club) |
CTC | Corneal Theory Center |
CTC | Central Tenure Committee (US NIH) |
CTC | Colorado Telework Coalition |
CTC | Combat Theater Communications |
CTC | Corporate Technology Council |
CTC | Cooling Temperature Control (steel industry) |
CTC | Chemical Treaty Compliance |
CTC | Crawl to China (Tourniquet album) |
CTC | California Telecommunications Coalition |
CTC | Commonwealth Technical Consortium (Australia) |
CTC | Corporate Training Consultants, Inc. (Cary, NC) |
CTC | Current Total Compensation |
CTC | COSAL Type Code |
CTC | Combined Targeting Cell |
CTC | Cargo Tank Cooldown |
CTC | Critical Time Care |
CTC | Compaq Telecommunications Corp. |
CTC | Critical Technical Characteristic(s) |
CTC | Cryptologic Training Committee |
CTC | Communication Theory Committee |
CTC | Coalescent Technology Corporation |
CTC | Client Transfer Call |
CTC | Common Toxicological Criteria |
CTC | Consolidated Team Configurations |
CTC | Challenge Training and Consulting, Inc. |
CTC | Continental Telecommunications of California |
CTC | Calgary Technology Center (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) |
CTC | Continuous-Time Channel |
CTC | Certified Twelve-Step Consultant (addiction recovery) |
CTC | Constants Tables & Codes |
CTC | Component Termination Cabinet |
CTC | Cumberland Trail Connection (Cumberland, MD) |
CTC | Central Traffic Control N.S.Y. |
CTC | Carolina Temperature Control, Inc. |
CTC | Centre Traitement Courrier (France mail processing) |