Acronym | Definition |
COPS | Community Oriented Policing Services |
COPS | Concerns of Police Survivors (support group for families of policemen killed on duty) |
COPS | College of Public Service (various schools) |
COPS | Control of Power Systems (research group) |
COPS | Chief of Operations |
COPS | Canadian Occupational Projection System (Human Resources and Skills Development Canada) |
COPS | Characterization of Porous Solids (symposium) |
COPS | Computer Oriented Partial Sum |
COPS | Co-Operative Printing Solutions |
COPS | Cabrio Overhead Protection System |
COPS | Compiler Production System |
COPS | Common Open Policy Service |
COPS | Common Operations |
COPS | Common Open Policy Service (updated OOPS, IP Highway) |
COPS | Convective and Orographically-Induced Precipitation Study (Germany) |
COPS | Current Operations |
COPS | Constables on Patrol |
COPS | Computer Oracle and Password System |
COPS | Committee of Public Safety (band) |
COPS | Central Operations (various organizations) |
COPS | California Organization of Police and Sheriffs |
COPS | Centre of Policy Studies |
COPS | Career Occupational Preference System |
COPS | Complex Products and Systems |
COPS | Central Organization of Police Specialists |
COPS | Communications Operational Planning System (US DoD) |
COPS | Common Open Policy Server |
COPS | Coalition of Parent Support |
COPS | Communications Outsourcing and Professional Services (Gartner) |
COPS | Centralized Operations Police Suite |
COPS | Complex Photonic Systems |
COPS | City of Plano Swimmers |
COPS | Collaborative Peer-To-Peer Systems (workshop) |
COPS | Central Oman Palaeolithic Survey (University of Basel) |
COPS | Citizens Organized for Public Service |
COPS | Capitalization Organization Punctuation Spelling (proofreading mnemonic) |
COPS | Christians Obediently Preaching Salvation |
COPS | Common Open Protocol Service |
COPS | Crystal Operated Paint Sensor (paintball marker technology) |
COPS | Citizens on Patrol Society (community service) |
COPS | Coastal Ocean Prediction Systems Program |
COPS | Configuration Management On-Line Processing System |
COPS | Common Operations Picture System |
COPS | Community Outreach Police Station |
COPS | Computer-Oriented Partial Sum |
COPS | Central Office Payphone System (PTI) |
COPS | Capital letters, Overall appearance, Punctuation, Spelling (editing checklist) |
COPS | Capacity Optimization Planning System |
COPS | Committee On Physical Security |
COPS | Create On-Line Procurement System |
COPS | Coherent Patrol Sum |
COPS | Computer Output Processing Service |
COPS | Commitment and Obligation Payment System |
COPS | Communication Planning Support |
COPS | Christian Officers Protecting & Serving |
COPS | Contingency Operations, Space |
COPS | Concentrator Open Primary Server |
COPS | Customer Owned Property Storage |
COPS | Create On-Line Password System |
COPS | Community Oriented Policing Specialist |
COPS | Computerized Officer Planning System |
COPS | Computerized Oncology Profile System |