Acronym | Definition |
DIA | Diameter |
DIA | Defense Intelligence Agency (USA) |
DIA | Denver International Airport |
DIA | Dedicated Internet Access |
DIA | Document Interchange Architecture |
DIA | Department of Internal Affairs |
DIA | Detroit Institute of Arts |
DIA | Development in Action (UK) |
DIA | Died in Action |
DIA | Declaración de Impacto Ambiental (Spanish: Environmental Impact Statement) |
DIA | Dubai International Airport |
DIA | Department of International Affairs |
DIA | Drug Information Association |
DIA | Democracy in America (Alexis de Tocqueville book) |
DIA | Direct Internet Access |
DIA | Diploma in Accountancy (various schools) |
DIA | Distribuidora Internacional de Alimentación (Spanish: International Food Distributor) |
DIA | Driving Instructors Association (Croydon, UK) |
DIA | Declaração de Impacte Ambiental (Portuguese: Environmental Impact Statement) |
DIA | Design Institute of America |
DIA | Diaphorase |
DIA | Déclaration d'Intention d'Aliéner (French: Declaration of Intention to Dispose) |
DIA | Denuncia Inizio Attività (Italy) |
DIA | Deposit Insurance Agency (Russia) |
DIA | Department of Industrial Accidents |
DIA | Dubai International Academy (Dubai , UAE) |
DIA | Department of Intercollegiate Athletics (various schools) |
DIA | Digital Image Archive |
DIA | Defense Intelligence Agency |
DIA | Debug Information Access |
DIA | Democracy in Action |
DIA | Diploma in Administration |
DIA | Director of Intercollegiate Athletics (US Military Academy) |
DIA | Dual Immersion Academy (Salt Lake City, UT) |
DIA | Direzione Investigativa Antimafia (Italyian: Antimafia Investigation Department) |
DIA | Deutsches Institut für Altersvorsorge |
DIA | Department of Indigenous Affairs (Perth, Western Australia) |
DIA | Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial |
DIA | Dynamic Input Area |
DIA | Dimeric Inhibin A (protein) |
DIA | Deutsche Immobilien-Akademie |
DIA | Development Interface Agreement (supplier document) |
DIA | Digital Image Analyzer |
DIA | Documentation et Information pour l'Afrique (French: Documentation and Information for Africa) |
DIA | Disability Income Associate |
DIA | Diversified Investment Advisors (various locations) |
DIA | Daily Interest Account |
DIA | Digitális Irodalmi Akadémia |
DIA | Data Invulnerability Architecture |
DIA | Discharge Impact Area (Arizona Department of Environmental Quality) |
DIA | Dar-es-Salaam International Airport (Tanzania) |
DIA | Diffusion Immunoassay |
DIA | Days Inns of America, Inc. |
DIA | Deutsche Informatik-Akademie GmbH (Bonn, Germany) |
DIA | Dipartimento di Informatica e Applicazioni |
DIA | Difference Image Analysis |
DIA | Data Integrity Assurance |
DIA | Department of Inspections & Appeals |
DIA | Democracy in Albany (website) |
DIA | Defense Investigators Association |
DIA | Dipartimento Investigativo Antimafia |
DIA | Department of Industry Act (Canada) |
DIA | Diamond Institute of America |
DIA | Dry-cleaning Institute of Australia (Cessnock, NSW, Australia) |
DIA | Desarollo Integral Auténtico (Spanish: Authentic Integral Development, Guatemala) |
DIA | Deficiency In Allowance |
DIA | Date of Initial Appointment |
DIA | Dairy Industry Authority (Australia) |
DIA | Director of Inmate Affairs (Correctional Services Canada) |
DIA | Disk Interface Adapter |
DIA | Distribuidora Interamericana de Alimentos, SA (Guatemala) |
DIA | Deadline Imposition for Arrival |
DIA | Demokratikus Ifjúságért Alapítványt |
DIA | Distributed Ingest Architecture |