DLEDatalife Engine (software)
DLEDiscoid Lupus Erythematosus
DLEData Link Escape
DLEDirect Labor Efficiency (work formula)
DLEDigital Line Equipment
DLEData Line Escape
DLEData Length Escape
DLEDroits et Libertés dans les Églises (French: Rights and Liberties in the Churches)
DLEDigital Library Evaluation
DLEDry Low Emission
DLEDisseminated Lupus Erythematosus (same as Systemic Lupus Erythematosus)
DLEDigital Local Exchange
DLEDidactique des Langues Étrangères (French: Teaching of Foreign Languages)
DLEDistance Learning Exchange (Pennsylvania Department of Education)
DLEDual Language Education
DLEDynamic Lightpath Establishment (IEEE)
DLEDepartment of Labor & Employment (Colorado)
DLEDigital Loop Electronics (Telcordia)
DLEDistributed LAN Emulation
DLEDeserts Like Eden
DLEDuctility Level Earthquake
DLEDisk List Entry (Amanda/Zmanda Backup Software)
DLEDouble-Line Electro (stamp collecting; a form of precancellation)
DLEDrug Laboratory Effect
DLEDetailed Ledger Entry
DLEDevelopment Laboratory Environment
DLEDiverse Learning Environments (survey)
DLEDirect Lightning Effects
DLEDepartment of Logistics and Engineering
DLEDistance Learning and Education
DLEDefense Liaison Element (US Army)
DLEDynamic Labile Equilibrium
DLEDegree Level Expectations (Canada)
DLEDistinctive Ladies of Elegance
DLEDivorce Level Event