Acronym | Definition |
CSAA | California State Automobile Association |
CSAA | Coverage Sampling anti Aliasing |
CSAA | Central Station Alarm Association |
CSAA | Cultural Studies Association of Australasia |
CSAA | Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association |
CSAA | Coverage Sampling Anti-Aliasing (computer graphics) |
CSAA | Chinese Studies Association of Australia |
CSAA | California State Auctioneers Association |
CSAA | Child Support Assessment Act (Australia) |
CSAA | Centro Studi Archeologia Africana |
CSAA | Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics |
CSAA | comp.sys.acorn.announce (newsgroup) |
CSAA | Child Study Association of America |
CSAA | China Shipping (Australia) Agency |
CSAA | Committee on Space Astronomy and Astrophysics (US Space Science Board) |
CSAA | Chief Sergeant at Arms (Rotary International) |
CSAA | Child Support (Assessment) Act 1989 (Australia) |
CSAA | Computer Science Alumni Association |
CSAA | Classical Studies, Anthropology and Archaeology |
CSAA | Catholic School Athletic Association |
CSAA | Community Spouse Asset Allowance |
CSAA | Canadian Society for Asian Arts |
CSAA | Colorado State Archery Association |
CSAA | Continuous Simulation of Air Base Assets |
CSAA | Centro Sportivo e delle Attività per l’Ambiente |
CSAA | Child Sexual Abuse Act (India) |
CSAA | Commission des Statistiques de l'Assurance-Accidents (Switzerland) |
CSAA | Comité Scientifique de l'Alimentation Animale |
CSAA | Choline-Supplemented, L-Amino Acid-defined |
CSAA | Central State Activities Association |
CSAA | Central Service Area Authority |
CSAA | Carleton Soccer Alumni Association |
CSAA | Civil Service Archery Association (UK) |
CSAA | Creation Science Association of Alberta |
CSAA | Colegio San Antonio Abad (Humacao, Puerto Rico) |
CSAA | Colorado State Approving Agency |
CSAA | Council of Specialized Accrediting Agencies |
CSAA | Czech and Slovak Association for American Studies |
CSAA | Camp Squanto Alumni Association |
CSAA | Cisco Service Assurance Agent |
CSAA | Commission de Suivi et d'Application de l'Accord |
CSAA | Centra voor Seksualiteit, Anticonceptie en Abortus (Netherlands) |
CSAA | Contract Services Association of America |
CSAA | Canadian Sport Aeroplane Association |
CSAA | Comité de Servicios de los Amigos Americanos |
CSAA | Carry-Save Adders |
CSAA | Cawdor Street Allotment Association (UK) |
CSAA | Cruise Ship Anchorage Areas |
CSAA | Clan Snar Adoption Agency |
CSAA | Campus School Alumni Association |
CSAA | Cancer Survivors Alumni Association |
CSAA | Contractor Safety Awareness Association |
CSAA | Comfortable and Safe African Adventure (Namibia) |
CSAA | Career Services and Alumni Affairs |
CSAA | Comité de Seguridad Alimentaria y Agricultura |
CSAA | Collection Strategies and Analysis (US CIA) |
CSAA | Certificates of Software Asset Appraisal |
CSAA | County Supervisors Association of Arizona |
CSAA | Cross-Sectional Area of the Axis |
CSAA | Consulenze Servizi Antinfortunistica Antincendio |
CSAA | Continuing Student Application for Aid |
CSAA | Commission Spécialisée Astronomie-Astrophysique (France) |
CSAA | Cell Site Antenna Array |
CSAA | Child Sexually Abusive Activity |
CSAA | Committee on the Social Science of Aging |
CSAA | Continuous Subcutaneous Administration of Analgesia |
CSAA | Customer Services Accounts Assistants (Zesco, Zambia) |
CSAA | Collegiate Student Affairs Administrator |
CSAA | Committee for Student Academic Appeals |
CSAA | Contract Support Activity Assessment |
CSAA | Central Student Alumni Association |
CSAA | Confederación Sudamericana de Atletismo |
CSAA | Center for the Social Application of the Arts |
CSAA | Canadian Student Affairs Association |