Acronym | Definition |
DFI | Department of Financial Institutions (various US state governments) |
DFI | Danish Film Institute (est. 1997) |
DFI | Département Fédéral de l'Intérieur (French: Federal Department of the Interior; Switzerland) |
DFI | Direct Fuel Injection |
DFI | Diabetic Foot Infection |
DFI | Damage Free Intelligence |
DFI | Diamond Flower Inc. |
DFI | Defect Free Interface |
DFI | Disk from Image |
DFI | Deep Foundations Institute |
DFI | Digital Fuel Injection |
DFI | Daniel Frères Immobilière (French: Daniel Brothers Real Estate; Luxembourg) |
DFI | Development Fund for Iraq |
DFI | Direct Foreign Investment |
DFI | Dietary Fructose Intolerance (digestion) |
DFI | Development Finance Institution |
DFI | Disease-Free Interval |
DFI | Depository Financial Institution |
DFI | Direct Flame Impingement |
DFI | Derivatives & Financial Instruments (International tax journal) |
DFI | Deutsch-Französisches Institut (German: German-French Institute; est. 1948) |
DFI | Dr Foster Intelligence (UK) |
DFI | Design for Innovation |
DFI | Defiance, Ohio (Airport Code) |
DFI | Development Flight Instrumentation |
DFI | Design from Italy |
DFI | Diabetes Federation of Ireland (est. 1967) |
DFI | Demand for Information |
DFI | Digital Facility Interface |
DFI | Designated Financial Institution |
DFI | Développement-Formation-Ingénierie (French: Development-Training-Engineering) |
DFI | Digital Frog International (software; Ontario, Canada) |
DFI | Déduction Fiscale pour Investissement (French: Tax Deduction for Investment) |
DFI | Demeures de France Investissements (French real estate company) |
DFI | Digital Filter Initialization |
DFI | Diversified Fixed Interest (finance; Australia) |
DFI | Digital Filmmaking Institute (various locations) |
DFI | Dom Finance et Investissement (French investment company) |
DFI | Détection Française d'Incendie (French smoke detector company) |
DFI | Design, Fabrication and Installation (various organizations) |
DFI | Deduct from Invoice (finance) |
DFI | Direct Flights International (Australia) |
DFI | Development Facilitators, Inc. |
DFI | Data Field Identifier |
DFI | Defense Forecasts Incorporated |
DFI | Design, Fielding, Instrumentation |
DFI | Data Flow Information |
DFI | Diamond Flower Instrument |
DFI | David Fraisse Impact (French employment consultancy) |
DFI | Design Fabrication Installation Resume |
DFI | Decreased Fuel Ingestion |
DFI | Deep Fried Ice-Cream |
DFI | Design for Installability |
DFI | Different Flipping Idea (polite form) |
DFI | Discount From Invoice |
DFI | Direct Fluid Indicator (geology) |
DFI | Diagnostic Fault Isolation |
DFI | Dyed Fuel Inspector |
DFI | Documentary Film Institute |