Acronym | Definition |
DCO | Development Consent Order (UK) |
DCO | Distillers Corn Oil (feed) |
DCO | Division of County Operations (various locations) |
DCO | Direct Capture of Objectives |
DCO | Data Control |
DCO | Data Change Object |
DCO | Defense Connect Online |
DCO | Data Clock Output |
DCO | Dual Core Optimizer |
DCO | Developmental Center of the Ozarks (Springfield, MO) |
DCO | Defensive Cyber Operations (US DoD) |
DCO | District Coordination Officer (Pakistan) |
DCO | Defense Coordinating Officer (US DoD) |
DCO | Demande Chimique En Oxygène (French) |
DCO | Director of Campus Operations (various organizations) |
DCO | Data Center Outsourcing |
DCO | Digitally Controlled Oscillator |
DCO | Defense Connect Online (US DoD Defense Information Systems Agency) |
DCO | Designated Contracting Officer (US DOE) |
DCO | Defence Community Organisation (Australia) |
DCO | District Coordination Office (Israeli-Palestinian Oslo Agreement) |
DCO | Deputy Commanding Officer |
DCO | Derivatives Clearing Organization (US Commodity Futures Trading Commission) |
DCO | Doping Control Officer (athletic organizations) |
DCO | Detailed Control Objective |
DCO | Developer's Certificate of Origin (Linux) |
DCO | Detention Custody Officer (various locations) |
DCO | District Commodore |
DCO | Data Collection Organization |
DCO | Digital Central Office |
DCO | Data Center Operations |
DCO | Document Change Order |
DCO | Director of Christian Outreach (Concordia University; Minnesota) |
DCO | Damage Control Officer |
DCO | Document Control Officer |
DCO | Direct Commission Officer |
DCO | Duty Carried Out (Royal Air Force; UK) |
DCO | Dental Care Organization |
DCO | Direct Contact Overlay (picture framing) |
DCO | Dyschondrosteosis |
DCO | Delayed Compliance Order (EPA) |
DCO | Dial Central Office |
DCO | Deputy Commissioner for Operations |
DCO | Duke of Connaught's Own (Canadian regiment nickname) |
DCO | Dive Center Organisation (software) |
DCO | Docket Control Order (sets the trial schedule) |
DCO | Domino Collaboration Objects (Lotus Notes/Domino COM interface) |
DCO | Drive Configuration Overlay (hard disks) |
DCO | Direct Chemical Oxidation |
DCO | Designated Complaints Officer (UK) |
DCO | Dues Check Off (union working dues deducted from employees checks) |
DCO | Data Conversion Operator |
DCO | Distal Clavicular Osteolysis (osteology) |
DCO | Detailed Checkout (NASA) |
DCO | Decanted Oil |
DCO | Distributed Cooperative Object |
DCO | Debark Control Officer |
DCO | Disaster Control Officer |
DCO | District Curriculum Office (education) |
DCO | Detainee Custody Officer (UK) |
DCO | Diluted Crude Oil |
DCO | Database Configuration Output |
DCO | Downtime Due to Corrective Actions |
DCO | Développement et Conception de l'Ouest (French: Design and Development of the West) |
DCO | Doctrine Coordination Office |
DCO | Director Controller |
DCO | Document Change Off-Line |
DCO | Dorking Chamber Orchestra (est. 1988; Dorking, England, UK) |
DCO | District, Colonial and Overseas (Barclay's Bank) |
DCO | Delivery Control Officer (US DoD) |
DCO | Director Combat Operations (USAF) |
DCO | Delmar Community Orchestra (Delmar, NY) |
DCO | District Credit Officer (job title) |
DCO | Decorative Concrete Overlay |