Acronym | Definition |
CRBS | Central Registered Body in Scotland |
CRBS | Coherent Rayleigh-Brillouin Scattering |
CRBS | Center for Research in Biological Systems |
CRBS | Centrum voor Recht, Bestuur en Samenleving |
CRBS | Center for Renaissance and Baroque Studies (University of Maryland) |
CRBS | Center for Research on Biological Structure (UCSD) |
CRBS | Coalition pour la Recherche Biomédicale et en Santé (Coalition for Biomedical & Health Research) |
CRBS | Canadian Retinoblastoma Society |
CRBS | Census Radio Broadcast Service (US) |
CRBS | Cost and Readiness-Based Simulation |
CRBS | Criminal Records Bureau for Scotland |
CRBS | Cercle de Recherche en Botanique de Strasbourg |
CRBS | Conference Reservation and Billing System (Conference Plus, Inc.) |
CRBS | Croatian Bible Society |