Acronym | Definition |
CRCP | Cracked in Passivation |
CRCP | Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement |
CRCP | Consumer Rights Commission of Pakistan |
CRCP | Crystal Reports Certified Professional |
CRCP | Certified Regulatory and Compliance Professional |
CRCP | Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure |
CRCP | Cloud-Resolving Convection Parameterization |
CRCP | Centre de Recherche sur les Couts et la Productivité (French: Center for Productivity and Costs) |
CRCP | Clinical Research Contract Professional |
CRCP | Civilian Resource Conservation Program (US Army) |
CRCP | Central Registry for Child Protection (State of Colorado) |
CRCP | Camera Recorder Control Protocol |
CRCP | Christian Reformed Church in the Philippines |
CRCP | Committee for Responsible Corrections Policy |
CRCP | Community Rehabilitation Careers Project |