CRDCentre for Reviews and Dissemination (National Health Service, UK)
CRDCapital Regional District (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada)
CRDConseil Régional de Développement (French: Regional Council Development)
CRDCapital Requirements Directive
CRDCentral Registration Depository (NASD, Broker-Dealer Registration)
CRDCysteine Rich Domain
CRDCharles River Development (Burlington, MA)
CRDCool Ranch Doritos
CRDColorado River Delta (geologic region)
CRDCentre de Ressources Documentaires (French: Documentary Resource Center)
CRDClinical Research Division (various organizations)
CRDCenter for Rural Development
CRDCommon Rail Diesel (high-pressure diesel engine injection system)
CRDChange Request Database
CRDCard File
CRDCommon Rail Diesel
CRDContent Retrieval Device
CRDCouncil for Resource Development
CRDCarbohydrate Recognition Domain
CRDConservatoire a Rayonnement Départemental (French music department)
CRDCivil Rights Division
CRDChronic Respiratory Disease (Avian Mycoplasmosis)
CRDConcept Rolland Développement (French: Rolland Concept Development)
CRDCongress on Research in Dance (est. 1964)
CRDConstruction, Renovation and Demolition (waste)
CRDChronic Renal Disease
CRDColor Rendering Dictionary
CRDCariboo Regional District (British Columbia)
CRDCivil Remedies Division (US DHHS)
CRDChemical Reconnaissance Detachment (US DoD)
CRDCapstone Requirements Document
CRDCavity Ring Down
CRDCollaborative Research and Development (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada)
CRDCurrent Rate Discharge
CRDCommunity Resources Department (various organizations)
CRDComputer Related Design (various schools)
CRDControl Rod Drive (nuclear)
CRDCapitaux Recherche Déshérence (French: Unclaimed Research Capital)
CRDChild Restraint Device
CRDCyber Recreation District (China)
CRDCréation Réalisation Diffusion (French: Creation Production Release)
CRDConsumer Relations Division (various organizations)
CRDCastex Racing Department (motorbikes; France)
CRDComplete Randomized Design (statistics)
CRDCommunity Relations Division (USACE)
CRDCommunity Recreation Division
CRDCustomer Relations Department
CRDCentral Reprographics Department
CRDCommunity Relations Director
CRDCar Rental Direct (various locations)
CRDCosmic Ray Division
CRDCopper Response Defect (biochemistry)
CRDCustomer Request Date
CRDCommunity Resources Database (various locations)
CRDCustomer Requirements Document
CRDCompliance Research Division
CRDColorado River District
CRDCentral Reproduction Department
CRDConfidential-Restricted Data
CRDCompletely Random Design
CRDClinician's Research Digest
CRDComodoro Rivadavia, Chubut, Argentina - Comodora Rivadavia (Airport Code)
CRDCommander's Required Date
CRDCustomer Required Date
CRDCommon Route Definition (US DoD)
CRDCenter for Rheumatic Diseases (India)
CRDComplex Repetitive Discharge
CRDCoordination Response Division
CRDChange Request Disposition (NASA)
CRDCompetitive Range Determination
CRDCell Rate Decoupling (OSI)
CRDCommission Régionale de Développement de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale
CRDCrystal Reports Distribution (Crystal Reports Business Automation)
CRDCreation/Revision/Deletion Request
CRDComments and Response Document
CRDClock Restriction Diagram
CRDCentre de Recherche Développement (French)
CRDCorporación de Redes Digitales (Spanish: Digital Networks Corporation)
CRDConcepts and Requirements Directorate (formerly the Directorate of Combat Developments)
CRDComplete Round Dictionary
CRDCustomer Reference Data
CRDCargo Ready Date
CRDCall Routing Device
CRDChristian Research and Development (Upper Darby, PA)
CRDCollaborative Research Division
CRDChange Request Document
CRDConcrete Research Division, Handbook for Concrete and Cement (USACE)
CRDCommon Route Description
CRDCommand Requirements Document
CRDCINC’s (Commander in Chief's) Required Date (US DoD)
CRDCommité Regionaux de Developpement
CRDCredit Request Date
CRDCustomer Response Division (insurance)
CRDCorporate Reporting Database
CRDCommon Relationship Data
CRDCommunications and Research Department
CRDContractor Repair Depot
CRDCommander's Remote Display
CRDCritical Requirements Document
CRDCall Routing Database
CRDComponent Reference Designator (PCB manufacturing)