Acronym | Definition |
CRDS | Center for Research and Development Strategy (Japan Science and Technology Agency) |
CRDS | Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy |
CRDS | Contribution pour Le Remboursement de la Dette Sociale (French: Social Debt Repayment Contribution) |
CRDS | Community Rehabilitation and Disability Studies (University of Calgary, Canada) |
CRDS | Consolidated Remote Delivery Site (US DHS) |
CRDS | Centre de Recherches et de Documentation du Sénégal (Research and Documentation Center of Senegal) |
CRDS | Certified Remedial Damp-Proofing Surveyor |
CRDS | Control Rod Drive System (nuclear power) |
CRDS | Chemical Reactions Documentation Service |
CRDS | Customer Requirements Data Set |
CRDS | Calligraphic/Raster Display System (NASA) |
CRDS | Component Repair Data Sheet |