Acronym | Definition |
CRE | Commercial Real Estate |
CRE | Chemical Reaction Engineering (chemical engineering and industrial chemistry) |
CRE | Centre for Real Estate (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) |
CRE | Commission de Régulation de l'Energie (French: Commission of Energy Regulation) |
CRE | CCD (Charge Coupled Device) and Readout Electronics |
CRE | Clean and Renewable Energy (various organizations) |
CRE | Construction and Real Estate |
CRE | Comisión Reguladora de Energía (México) |
CRE | Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (germs) |
CRE | Cree/Cri (language) |
CRE | Corporate Real Estate |
CRE | Commission for Racial Equality (Scotland) |
CRE | Committee for Research and Exploration (various organizations) |
CRE | Contrat de Retour a l'Emploi (French: Reemployment contract) |
CRE | Counselor of Real Estate (member of the American Society of Real Estate Counselors) |
CRE | Costa Rica Expeditions (travel) |
CRE | Canmore Real Estate (Canada) |
CRE | Comité Régional d'Equitation (French: Regional Riding Committee) |
CRE | Catholic Religious Education |
CRE | Chain Reaction Ecommerce (Atlanta, GA) |
CRE | Cyclic AMP Response Element (genetics) |
CRE | Closely Related Element |
CRE | Chemical Resistant Epoxy |
CRE | Conseil des Résidents Étrangers (French: Council for Foreign Residents) |
CRE | Coral Reef Exhibit (Australia) |
CRE | China Resources Enterprise (Hong Kong) |
CRE | Customer Reliability Engineering (various companies) |
CRE | Conférences Régionales des élus (Quebec, Canada) |
CRE | Coal Research Establishment (UK) |
CRE | Corrosion Resistant |
CRE | Cooperative Research & Extension (various schools) |
CRE | Certified Reliability Engineer |
CRE | Community Resource Exchange (New York, NY) |
CRE | Contractor's Responsible Engineer |
CRE | Contrat Restauration Entretien (French: Food Service Contract) |
CRE | Centre de Recherches en Esthétique (French: Center for Research in Aesthetics) |
CRE | Chief Risk Executive |
CRE | Coordinator of Religious Education (religious order) |
CRE | Chapter Review Exercise |
CRE | cis-regulatory element (DNA) |
CRE | Chain Reaction Edition (e-commerce software) |
CRE | Conception Réalisation Électrique (French: Electrical Design Realization) |
CRE | Chesapeake Ranch Estates |
CRE | Control Reporting Element (US DoD) |
CRE | Cosmic Ray Exposure |
CRE | Customer Relations Executive (various companies) |
CRE | Centre for Research in Education |
CRE | Columbia River Estuary |
CRE | Commander Royal Engineers |
CRE | Contingency Response Element (USAF) |
CRE | Centre for Research and Evaluation (Sheffield Hallam University, UK) |
CRE | Council for Responsible E-Mail |
CRE | Center for Risk Excellence |
CRE | Confederation of Reformed Evangelicals (Moscow, Idaho) |
CRE | Cyclization Recombination |
CRE | Computer Readable Extract (US DHS) |
CRE | Capabilities Request |
CRE | Control and Reporting Element |
CRE | Cumulative Residual Entropy |
CRE | Commodity Resource & Environmental, Inc. (Burbank, CA) |
CRE | Chief Royal Engineer (Corps of Royal Engineers, British Army) |
CRE | Cost Reduction Effort |
CRE | Combat Readiness Evaluation |
CRE | Corrected Reference Equivalent |
CRE | Crisis Response Element |
CRE | Center for Resource Economics |
CRE | Contaminant Removal Efficiency |
CRE | Cellular Radio Exchange |
CRE | Chain-of-Rare-Events (model) |
CRE | Campaign for Rural England |
CRE | Checkout & Readiness Equipment |
CRE | Course Resource Estimate |
CRE | Compressor, Refrigerant, Evaporative |
CRE | Color Resolution Enhancement |
CRE | Conférence Permanente des Recteurs, des Présidents et Vice-Chanceliers des Universités Européennes (French: Standing Conference of Rectors, Presidents and Vice-Chancellors of European Universities) |
CRE | Component Responsible Engineering |
CRE | Classification, Recovery, and Evacuation |
CRE | Combat Reconnaissance Element |
CRE | Coast Rescue Equipment |
CRE | Collection, Reclamation, & Exchange |
CRE | Console Remote Equipment |
CRE | Constant Radial Expansion |
CRE | cAMP (Adenosine 3'5' Cyclic Monophosphate) Response Element (biochemistry) |