CTIComputer Telephony Integration
CTIComputer Technology Institute
CTIComparative Tracking Index
CTICoaches Training Institute (San Rafael, CA)
CTICoral Triangle Initiative
CTICraft Terminal Interface
CTICareer and Technical Institute (various locations)
CTIConnect Tech, Inc. (various locations)
CTIConquer the Island (gaming)
CTICouplage Téléphonie-Informatique (French: Computer-Telephony Integration)
CTICentre de Traitement de l'Information (French: Information Processing Center)
CTIChamber of Trade and Industry (various nations)
CTICentres Techniques Industriels (French: Industrial Technical Center)
CTICell Therapeutics, Inc. (biopharmaceuticals; various locations)
CTIComputer Telephony Interface
CTICommittee on Trade and Investment (various organizations)
CTIClimate Technology Initiative
CTICardiac Troponin I
CTICooling Tower Institute
CTIComputer Technology Integration
CTIColour Transient Improvement
CTICentre for Teleinformatics
CTICurrent Time Indicator
CTICisco Telephony Interface
CTICompetent to Instruct (various organizations)
CTIChristianity Today International
CTIComputers in Teaching Initiative (UK)
CTICooling Technology Institute
CTICentre de Techniques Internationales (French: International Technical Center)
CTIComputer Science, Telecommunications and Information Systems
CTIConversion Technologies International (Mt. Laurel, NJ)
CTIComponents Technology Institute, Inc. (Huntsville, AL)
CTICustomer Type Indicator
CTIChina Travel International
CTIComputer Telecommunication Integration
CTICompetitive Technologies, Inc. (Fairfield, CT)
CTICuerpo Tecnico de Investigaciones (Spanish: Technical Investigations Corps; Colombia)
CTICoal Trader International (McGraw-Hill publication)
CTICastings Technology International (UK)
CTIContrôle Technique Immobilier (French real estate company)
CTICentral Tire Inflation (tires)
CTICentral Tire Inflation
CTIChemical Technology, Inc. (Detroit, MI)
CTIComputerized Thermal Imaging
CTICompetitive Technical Intelligence
CTICéramiques Techniques Industrielles (French ceramics company)
CTICornet Technology, Inc.
CTIColor Transient Improver
CTICritical Therapeutics Inc
CTIConfederation of Tanzania Industries
CTICore Technology Infrastructure (various locations)
CTICounter-Terrorism Intelligence
CTICryptologic Technician (Interpreter)
CTICharge Transfer Inefficiency
CTICurrent Time Indicator (video editing software)
CTIComputer Techniques, Inc. (Taylorville, IL)
CTICanadian Trade Index
CTICryptologic Technician Interpretive
CTIClinical Tobacco Intervention (Canada)
CTICritical Technologies Institute
CTIConnecticut Transportation Institute (University of Connecticut)
CTIConseils Transports Industriels (French: Industrial Transportation Advice)
CTIConcrete Technology Incorporated
CTICapital Telecommunications, Inc.
CTICable Tray Institute
CTIConverting Technical Institute (publishing; Japan)
CTIConferTech International
CTICompetitive Technology Intelligence
CTICollege Training Initiative (Air Traffic Control)
CTIContainer Transport International
CTICarrier Telephone Industries (Pakistan)
CTICombined Taxable Income
CTICompatible Technology International (Saint Paul, MN)
CTICenturion Technologies, Inc. (Fenton, MO)
CTICertified Termite Inspections (Sacramento, CA)
CTICommerce Technologies, Inc
CTIConnexion Téléphone Informatique (French: Computer Telephone Connection)
CTICategory, Type, Item (classification method)
CTICooperação Técnica Internacional (Brasil)
CTIClinical Trials, Inc
CTICheap Tubes, Inc. (various locations)
CTIColor Transition Improvement (video processing)
CTIComprehensive Technologies International, Inc.
CTICentro Temporal de Identificación (Spanish: Temporary Identification Center; Guatemala)
CTICoaxial Transceiver Interface
CTICentral Test International (est. 2002; psychometric tests; Canada)
CTICirculatory Technology Inc.
CTIComputational Testbed for Industry
CTICastle Transmission International LTD
CTICardinal Tracking, Inc.
CTICycle Time Improvement
CTIComputer Telephone Integrator
CTICoherent Torodial Interconnect
CTICritical Transportation Item (NASA)
CTICeramic Tile Installer
CTICentralized Ticket Investigation
CTICritical Technical Issues
CTIComplaint Type Investigation
CTIConstruction Testing and Inspections (Consultants, Inc; Richmond, VA)
CTICustoms Training Institute (Japan)
CTICoherence Time Interval
CTICincinnati Transplant Institute, Inc (Cincinnati, OH)
CTICentral Toll Investigation
CTICommercial Technology Insertion (technology refreshment systems engineering)
CTICombat Tactical Intelligence
CTIColor Texture Interpolator Chip
CTICommand Technical Inspection
CTICentralized Training Institute (Chicago Metropolitan Battered Women's Network; Illinois)
CTIConfederation of Trade and Industry
CTIConsultant Technical Instruction
CTIContract Technical Instructor
CTICommand Technology Issue
CTI(USN Rating) Cryptologic Technician (Interpretive)
CTICentro de Terapias Infantiles (Spanish: Children's Therapy Center)
CTICommand and Telemetry Interface
CTICalifornia Transportation Plan
CTIComputer Training Ireland
CTICalifornia Technological Institute (aka CalTech)
CTIContribution from Taxable Income (student financial aid)
CTICommerce Technology International
CTICross Technologies, Inc. (Solebury, Pennsylvania)