CTJCharacter Tabulation with Justification
CTJCentre Thérapeutique de Jour (French: Therapeutic Day Center; Switzerland)
CTJCasa Thomas Jefferson (Portuguese: Thomas Jefferson House; Brazil; est. 1963)
CTJChaudronnerie, Tolerie, Jennequin (French sheet metal company)
CTJCome to Jesus
CTJCentre de Tennis pour Jeunes (French: Youth Tennis Center)
CTJCommission Technique des Jeunes (French: Youth Technical Committee; Belgium)
CTJContrat Territorial pour la Jeunesse (French: Territorial Youth Contract)
CTJCommunicating Threads for Java
CTJCitizens for Tax Justice/Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy
CTJConfederation of Thai Journalists (est. 1980)
CTJComprehending Technical Japanese (book)