Acronym | Definition |
DMSR | Department of Military and Scientific Research |
DMSR | Dance, Music, Sex, Romance (Prince song) |
DMSR | Depot Maintenance Schedule Review |
DMSR | Del Mar Skate Ranch |
DMSR | De Matos Storey Ryan (UK architectural firm) |
DMSR | Dromyosuppressin receptor |
DMSR | dimethyl sulfoxide-responsive regulator |
DMSR | Danish Multiple Sclerosis Registry |
DMSR | Draft Municipal Service Review |
DMSR | Dynamic Metric Selection Routing |
DMSR | Denatured Molten Salt Reactor |
DMSR | Distributed Modified Sparse Row (format) |
DMSR | Division of Management Survey and Review (US NIH) |
DMSR | diffusive micro slant reflector |
DMSR | Distributed Microsystems Research |
DMSR | Dhond-Manmad State Railway (India) |
DMSR | Data Management and Staff Recruiters |
DMSR | Data Management System for the Russian segment (International Space Station) |
DMSR | DART Metadata Schema Registry |
DMSR | Double Mechanism Sorptive Refrigeration |
DMSR | Decision Making System of Regulation |
DMSR | Diablo Mountain Sports and Recreation |
DMSR | Django, MySQL, SyncDB Runserver |
DMSR | Daily Management and Summary Reporting |
DMSR | Distrito Minero Segovia-Remedios |
DMSR | defense materiel systems rating |
DMSR | Director of Missile Safety Research |
DMSR | Department of Management Sciences & Research (India) |
DMSR | Diminishing Manufacturing Sources Record |
DMSR | Dave Marshall Salmon Reserve (Canada) |