ACACAcademic Computing Advisory Council
ACACAllen County Athletic Conference (Indiana)
ACACAccord Commercial Anti-Contrefaçon (French: Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement)
ACACArea Command Aviation Coordinator
ACACAssociation of College Admissions Counselors
ACACAlberta Colleges Athletics Conference (Canada)
ACACArkansas Community Arts Cooperative
ACACAmerican Council for Accredited Certification (Glendale, AZ)
ACACAir-Cooled Air Cooler (aviation)
ACACAssociation des Chasseurs À l'Arc du Cher (French hunting association)
ACACAccess Customer Advocate Center
ACACAssociation Champenoise des Automobiles de Collection (French automobile club)
ACACApparel Contractors Alliance of California
ACACAutomobile Club André Citroën (French automobile club)
ACACAutomated Direct Analog Computer
ACACAir Control Area Commander
ACACArmy Combined Arms Center
ACACArvada Child Advocacy Center