DGRDeep Geologic Repository (nuclear waste)
DGRDeductible Gift Recipient (Australian tax exemption)
DGRDividend Growth Rate
DGRDangerous Goods Regulations
DGRDirección General de Rentas (Spanish: General Revenue Directorate; Argentina)
DGRDirector General's Requirements (Australia)
DGRDirector of Government Relations (various locations)
DGRDelibera Giunta Regionale (Italy)
DGRDuodenogastric Reflux (medical condition)
DGRDangerous Game Rifle
DGRDirectorate General Resettlement (India)
DGRDesignated Government Representative
DGRDaily Going Rate
DGRDead Guy Running (video game term)
DGRDynamic Growth and Reconfiguration
DGRDenver and Rio Grande Railroad Company
DGRDivision of Geothermal Research
DGRDevil's Gulch Route (Estes Park, CO postal route)
DGRDepartment of Geographic Research (University of Chicago)