Acronym | Definition |
DGS | Department of General Services |
DGS | Douglas (Amtrak station code; Douglas, WY) |
DGS | Dikey Gecis Sinavi (Turkish: Vertical Transfer Examination) |
DGS | Direction Générale des Services (French: General Directorate of Services) |
DGS | Direction Générale de la Santé (French: General Directorate of Health) |
DGS | Deputy General Secretary (various organizations) |
DGS | Director of Graduate Studies (various university departments) |
DGS | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (German: German Sociological Association) |
DGS | Deposit Guarantee Scheme (finance) |
DGS | Director-General of Security |
DGS | Dragons du Soleil (French: Dragons of the Sun; gaming) |
DGS | Diagnostics |
DGS | Desktop Graphic Services |
DGS | Digital Government Society |
DGS | Digeorge Syndrome |
DGS | Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sonnenenergie eV (German: German Society for Solar Energy) |
DGS | Digital Station |
DGS | Diego Garcia (space launch ground station) |
DGS | Dynamic Geometry Software |
DGS | Division of General Services |
DGS | Defected Ground Structure |
DGS | Digital Goods Seller (web program) |
DGS | Diocesan Girls' School |
DGS | Distributed Ground Station |
DGS | Distributed Ground System |
DGS | Distribution Gestion Service (French: Distribution Management Service) |
DGS | Design General Specifications (various companies) |
DGS | Deployable Ground Station |
DGS | Spiny Dogfish (FAO fish species code) |
DGS | Dartford Grammar School (England) |
DGS | Dry Gas Seal |
DGS | Discount Gun Sales |
DGS | Diminished Gluteal Syndrome (King of the Hill) |
DGS | Dangerous Goods Shipping |
DGS | Deployable Ground System |
DGS | Drogheda Grammar School (second level school in Ireland) |
DGS | Drill Guidance System |
DGS | Data Generation System |
DGS | Dedicated Ground Site |
DGS | Dysfunctional Government Services (various locations) |
DGS | Directory Generation System |
DGS | Deluge Geological Society |
DGS | Data Generation Session |
DGS | Dried Distiller's Grains and Solubles |
DGS | Device Ground Sense |
DGS | Dragon Go Surfer (online computer game) |
DGS | Diocese of the Good Shepherd |