Acronym | Definition |
CSCI | Computer Science |
CSCI | Commission for Social Care Inspection (UK) |
CSCI | Customer Satisfaction and Continuous Improvement (Charles Industries, Ltd.) |
CSCI | Channel Switching Capable Interface |
CSCI | Circuit Switching Capable Interface |
CSCI | Client Server Communications Interface |
CSCI | Climate Savers Computing Initiative |
CSCI | Chartered Scientist (UK) |
CSCI | Computer Software Configuration Item |
CSCI | China Small Cap Index |
CSCI | Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation |
CSCI | Continuous Subcutaneous Infusion |
CSCI | Commercial Satellite Communications Initiative |
CSCI | Corticosterone Side-Chain Isomerase |
CSCI | Computer System Configuration Item |
CSCI | Centre for the Study of Curriculum and Instruction (University of British Columbia, Vancouver) |
CSCI | Creative Solutions Consulting, Inc. (Indianapolis, IN) |
CSCI | Computer Software Component Interface |
CSCI | Cortical Type of Striatocapsular Infarction (stroke syndrome) |