CSCIComputer Science
CSCICommission for Social Care Inspection (UK)
CSCICustomer Satisfaction and Continuous Improvement (Charles Industries, Ltd.)
CSCIChannel Switching Capable Interface
CSCICircuit Switching Capable Interface
CSCIClient Server Communications Interface
CSCIClimate Savers Computing Initiative
CSCIChartered Scientist (UK)
CSCIComputer Software Configuration Item
CSCIChina Small Cap Index
CSCICanadian Society for Clinical Investigation
CSCIContinuous Subcutaneous Infusion
CSCICommercial Satellite Communications Initiative
CSCICorticosterone Side-Chain Isomerase
CSCIComputer System Configuration Item
CSCICentre for the Study of Curriculum and Instruction (University of British Columbia, Vancouver)
CSCICreative Solutions Consulting, Inc. (Indianapolis, IN)
CSCIComputer Software Component Interface
CSCICortical Type of Striatocapsular Infarction (stroke syndrome)