CVDCerebrovascular Disease
CVDChemical Vapor Deposition
CVDCardiovascular Disease
CVDCountervailing Duty (International Trade)
CVDChef Vom Dienst (German: Chief of Service)
CVDCongressional Visits Day
CVDCamp Verde (Amtrak station code; Camp Verde, AZ)
CVDCompact Video Disc
CVDCard Verification Data
CVDChina Video Disc
CVDCard Verification Digits
CVDCrystal Violet Dye (biological stain)
CVDCallendar-Van Dusen (equation)
CVDComité Villageois de Développement (French: Village Development Committee)
CVDCentralized Virtual Desktop
CVDCenter for Voting and Democracy
CVDCoordinated Vulnerability Disclosure (technology policy; Microsoft)
CVDCercle de la Voile de Dakar (French sailing association)
CVDCognitive Visual Dysfunction
CVDCambodian Vision in Development
CVDCome Volevasi Dimostrare
CVDCentrum Voor Dienstverlening
CVDCasper Van Dien (actor)
CVDConstant Velocity Drive
CVDCarte Virtuelle Dynamique (French: Dynamic Virtual Card)
CVDCold Vacuum Drying
CVDCentralized Virtual Device
CVDContinuous Variable Discharge
CVDCompact Video Disk
CVDClear Voice Detection
CVDCivil District Court
CVDChinese Video Disk
CVDCard Verification Device
CVDConvention and Visitor Development
CVDCastro Valley DeMolay (International Order of DeMolay)
CVDCentrum Voor Didactiek
CVDCar Vs. Driver (band)
CVDColor Vision Deviant
CVDCab View Driver (train driving simulation)
CVDCardiac Valvular Dysplasia, X-Linked
CVDConsumer Value Direct
CVDCode View Debugger
CVDContinuous-Valued Digits
CVDCavity Drain
CVDCommunication Value Development
CVDCentral Ventilatory Dysfunction
CVDControlled, Fluidized Bed, Vapor Deposition
CVDCore Value Dossier (healthcare treatment strategy tool)
CVDConsonant Vowel Digraph (linguistics)