COTACertified Occupational Therapy Assistant
COTACircuit of the Americas (racing)
COTAChildren's Organ Transplant Association
COTACentral Ohio Transit Authority (Columbus, OH area)
COTAChildren of the Andes (Colombia)
COTACouncil On The Ageing (Australia)
COTAChurch of the Ascension (various locations)
COTAConquest of the Aegean (game)
COTACelebration of the Arts (Jazz Festival; Delaware Water Gap, PA)
COTACollectif d'Echanges pour la Technologie Appropriée (French: Collective Exchange for Appropriate Technology; Belgium)
COTACollege of Trial Advocacy (Orange County Bar Association; California)
COTACentral Oregon Trail Alliance
COTACouncil of the Americas
COTACity of Toronto Act (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
COTACarabinieri on the Air
COTACareer Opportunities Training Agreement
COTACentral Ohio Teachers Association (Columbus, OH)
COTAChampionships of the Americas (International Aerobatic Club)
COTAChurch of the Antichrist
COTACommander's Operations Training Assistant